Bioprospecting of Natural Pigments in Human Health provides a comprehensive overview of the therapeutic potential of these compounds. Covering the main pigment classes sourced from plants, algae, and microbes, the book is organized around the applications to specific diseases and conditions. With chapters on the anti-cancer, antidiabetic, anti-microbial, anti-inflammatory, anti-aging effects, cardioprotective and neuroprotective agents, the book covers the molecular biology principles of action, as well as bioavailability and structure. This is the ideal reference for academic researchers interested in natural products pharmacology. It is also beneficial for the academic and corporate researchers in food sciences and the nutraceutical industries.
Table of Contents
1. Natural pigments in human health: an introductionI: Therapeutic potential of phytopigments
2. Natural pigments as protective agent for respiratory disorders: special reference to COVID-19
3. Tumor preventive properties of phytopigments against breast cancer
4. The therapeutic effects of phytopigments on aging-associated disorders perspectives and challenges
5. Dietary pigments in cancer chemoprevention and chemotherapy: A mechanistic overview
II: Algal pigments and Pharmaceutical applications
6. Microalgal pigments against cancer: Potentials and applications
7. Fucoxanthin: A promising compound for inflammation-related diseases
8. Phycobiliproteins-algae derived pigments: advances in research on the therapeutic potential
III: Microbial pigments: Therapeutic potential and applications
9. Microbial pigments and therapeutic potential: current status and opportunities
10. Pigments: antimicrobial compounds with market potential
IV: Promising potential of natural pigments and beyond
11. Natural pigments: from light perception to transformation of human health
12. Nanotechnology in the therapeutic delivery of pigments: Status and Advancements
13. Colourants in food and their economic value: Impact on consumer’s perception and well-being in human health
Siva Ramamoorthy Professor and Dean, School of Biosciences and Technology, Vellore Institute of Technology (VIT), Vellore, Tamil Nadu, India. Dr. Siva Ramamoorthy is currently working as Professor and Dean at School of Biosciences and Technology, Vellore Institute of Technology (VIT), India. He earned his undergraduate and postgraduate degrees in plant science from Madurai Kamaraj University, India. He carried out his PhD in Plant Genetic Diversity at Bharathidasan University, India. He did his postdoctoral research at Ben Gurion University (Israel) and Gyeongsang National University (South Korea). His research interests are plant pigment biotechnology and pigments biology. Around two decades, he has carried out extensive research on plant dyes and pigments. He was recognized as one among the top 2% scientists of the world - as per the Elsevier 2021, Stanford University and Mendeley 2020. Thomas Efferth Chair of Department, Institute of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Sciences, Department of Pharmaceutical Biology, Johannes Gutenberg University, Mainz, Germany.Thomas Efferth is the chair of the Department of Pharmaceutical Biology, Institute of Pharmacy and Biochemistry, Johannes Gutenberg University, Mainz, Germany. He is a biologist by training (Technical University of Darmstadt, Germany). Doctoral thesis: German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ), Heidelberg, Germany (1990). He obtained 9 national and international awards. He is honorary professor at several
international universities. In 2022, he was visiting professor ("professional visitor�) at the McLean Hospital, Harvard Medical School, Boston, USA. Thomas is ordinary member of the Academia Europaea (London). He has 850+ PubMed-listed high impact papers with an h-index of 116 and more than 69,000 citations.