This theory is then applied to a range of test-cases which use the DER aggregator as either price-maker or price-taker, apply Karush-Kahn-Tucker condition, dual theory approaches, and bilateral contacts, TSO-DSO cooperation, and decision-making tools. With a practical, holistic approach, this book supports graduate students, researchers, and industry engineers in energy systems modeling to design sustainable power grids for the future.
Table of Contents
1. Introduction to electrical system operation with distributed energy resources, aggregators, grid services, and flexibility2. Modeling and optimization methods to provide grid services and flexibility with distributed energy resources
3. Grid services and flexibility requirements of Transmission and Distribution System Operators
4. Modeling the distributed energy resource aggregator as a price-taker to provide flexibility for the Transmission System Operator
5. Modeling the distributed energy resource aggregator as a price-maker
6. Modeling the distributed energy resource aggregator to provide grid services and flexibility for the Distribution System Operator through bilateral contracts
7. Modeling the local energy market in the presence of distributed energy resources
8. Modeling the decision-making problem of the distributed energy resource aggregator to participate in the local energy market
9. Modeling the distributed energy resource aggregators for providing grid services and flexibility considering Transmission System Operator-Distribution System Operator coordination
10. Prospects of providing grid services and flexibility through distributed energy resources
Salah Bahramara Assistant Professor in Electrical Engineering, Islamic Azad University, Iran. Salah Bahramara is currently an Assistant Professor in Electrical Engineering at Islamic Azad University, Sanandaj Branch, Sanandaj, Iran. His research interests include flexibility in power systems, distributed energy resources, microgrids, optimization problems. Pouria Sheikhahmadi Research Assistant, University of Kurdistan, Iran. Pouria Sheikhahmadi currently works at the Kurdistan Electricity Power Distribution Company (KEPDC), and as a Research Assistant at the University of Kurdistan, Iran. His research interests include electricity markets, active distribution networks, microgrids, and bi-level optimization. He received his M.Sc. degree from the University of Kurdistan, Iran in 2018. Gianfranco Chicco Professor, Electrical Energy Systems, Politecnico di Torino, Italy.Gianfranco Chicco is a Professor of Electrical Energy Systems at Politecnico di Torino, Italy. He received the title of Doctor Honoris Causa from the Universities Politehnica of Bucharest and "Gheorghe Asachi� of Iasi (Romania) in 2017 and 2018 respectively. He is the Chair of the IEEE R8 Italy Section. He is the Editor-in-Chief of Sustainable Energy Grids and Networks and a Subject Editor of Energy. He was the Conference Chair of WESC 2006, IEEE PES ISGT Europe 2017, UPEC 2020, and Co-Chair of IEEE Eurocon 2023. His research activities include Power System Analysis, Distribution System Analysis and Optimization, Electrical Load Management, Energy Efficiency and Environmental Impact of Multi-Energy Systems, Data Analytics Applied to Power and Energy Systems, and Power Quality.