Advances in Heat Transfer, Volume 59 presents the latest in a serial that highlights new advances in the field, with this updated volume presenting interesting chapters written by an international board of authors. Sample chapters in this new release include Nanoscale Thin Film Evaporation and Ice thermal energy storage modeling: A review.
Table of Contents
1. TBDH.F. �ztop
2. TBD
3. TBD
Muslum Arici
4. TBD
Xiaohu Yang
5. A Thermal Performance Improvement Study on a Novel Heat Sink Design
M.Ziad Saghir, Ibrahim Dincer, Yusuf Bicer and Mahsa Hajialibabaei
6. TBD
Masoud Babaei
7. TBD
H.R. Bahrami
8. Innovative thermal management solutions for high-performance electronics: Advanced simulation techniques and practical applications
Hossein Pourrahmani
9. TBD
Muhammad Wakil Shahzad
10. TBD
Fatih Selimefendigil
11. TBD
Kambiz Vafai