Air pollution entails the presence of harmful solid particles, liquid aerosols, or gases in high concentrations and for long periods that negatively affect human and environmental health, causing diseases and atmospheric phenomena such as smog and acid rain. Some of these pollutants are visible, including particulate matter (PM), smoke, and fumes, while others are released into the atmosphere inadvertently, bringing attention to the issue of accurate emissions tracking and reduction.Technology Innovation will Help Tackle Hazardous Pollutants while Ensuring Cost-effectiveness and Policy Compliance
The impact of economic growth, rapid industrialization, and urbanization is directly related to the rise in emissions of toxic and harmful pollutants, often related to human activity. While natural disasters such as wildfires can also play a role in air pollution, industries represent the majority of emission point sources (as opposed to non-point or area sources), with power generation, manufacturing, chemicals, oil and gas, waste incineration, and cement production standing out as high emission segments.
Harmful substances released through industrial processes can be classified into air pollutants, air toxics, and greenhouse gases (GHGs). Air pollutants include carbon monoxide, nitrogen oxides, sulfur dioxide, ozone, PM, and lead. Air toxics encompass hazardous substances with smaller emissions levels but pose important health risks. These include arsenic, asbestos, benzene, chlorine, and cyanide compounds. Lastly, some of the most relevant GHGs are carbon dioxide, methane, and nitrous oxide. National and international frameworks and policies regulate these emissions and the concentration of these substances, often establishing air quality standards for industries.
This study analyzes the North American industrial emissions management systems market from a technological perspective, covering the most relevant air pollution control methods, namely solids separation, oxidation, absorption, NOx control solutions, and smart control and monitoring systems. The market is studied through the lens of the publisher’s proprietary 6P Framework, covering the transition from Policies, Products, Processes, Personas, and Partnerships to Platforms. Growth trends, opportunities, and forecasts are also included. Important growth opportunities in the market include as-a-service business models, retrofit systems, and resource recovery solutions.
Table of Contents
Strategic Imperatives
Growth Opportunity Analysis
Growth Opportunity Universe
Appendix & Next Steps