Renewable Energy - Volume 3, Energy Storage Systems - Fuel Cells, Supercapacitors, and Batteries: Definitions, Developments, Applications, and Case Studies is a new volume in this comprehensive resource on renewable energy. It provides a unique and structured approach to these emerging technologies and advances in energy storage systems, addressing fuel cells, supercapacitors, and batteries in a logical and accessible arrangement. From definitions to developments and state-of-the-art technologies, applications, and case studies, this book considers the most requested and desirable practical elements for energy storage systems from an applied perspective.
This is a suitable reference for postgraduate and graduate students, post-doctoral researchers, faculty, engineers, and industry personnel working on projects related to renewable energy, energy storage, sustainability, and energy system design.
This is a suitable reference for postgraduate and graduate students, post-doctoral researchers, faculty, engineers, and industry personnel working on projects related to renewable energy, energy storage, sustainability, and energy system design.
Table of Contents
3.1 Fuel Cells3.1.1 Introduction to Fuel Cells
3.1.2 Developments of Fuel Cells
3.1.3 Application of Fuel Cells
3.1.4 State of the Art of Fuel Cells
3.1.5 Analysis of Fuel Cells
3.1.6 Case Study on Fuel Cells
3.2 Supercapacitors
3.2.1 Introduction to Supercapacitors
3.2.2 Developments of Supercapacitors
3.2.3 Application of Supercapacitors
3.2.4 State of the Art of Supercapacitors
3.2.5 Analysis of Supercapacitors
3.2.6 Case Study on Supercapacitors
3.3 Batteries
3.3.1 Introduction to Batteries
3.3.2 Developments of Batteries
3.3.3 Application of Batteries
3.3.4 State of the Art of Batteries
3.3.5 Analysis of Batteries
3.3.6 Case Study on Batteries
Abdul Ghani Olabi Chair and Head of Sustainable and Renewable Energy Engineering Department "SREE�, University Of Sharjah, Sharjah, United Arab Emirates. Prof Olabi is Chair and Head of Sustainable and Renewable Energy EngineeringDepartment "SREE� at the University Of Sharjah. Before joining UOS, he was the director
and founding member of the Institute of Engineering and Energy Technologies at the
University of the West of Scotland. Prof Olabi received his M.Eng and Ph.D. from Dublin
City University, has worked at national and international institutes such as; National
Research Centre-Italy, Research Centre of FIAT-Italy, Dublin City University and Institute of
Engineering and Energy Technologies at UWS. Prof Olabi is the founder of the
International Conference on Sustainable Energy and Environmental Protection SEEP and
the International Conference on Materials Science and Smart Materials. He is the Subject
Editor of the Elsevier Energy Journal, Editor in Chief of the Encyclopedia of Smart
Materials (Elsevier), and Editor in Chief of Renewable Energy section of Energies.