In the newly revised ninth edition of Anatomy and Physiology of Farm Animals, distinguished veterinary professors Drs. Anna Fails and Christianne Magee deliver a comprehensive guide for animal science, veterinary technician, and pre-veterinary students and instructors seeking a well-organized and easy-to-understand resource. The new edition offers modified and refined learning objectives at the beginning of each chapter, as well as a brand-new chapter on llamas/alpacas that highlights the significant species differences and explains the roles of these species in the wool and packing industries.
Additional illustrations enhance comprehension and improve the anatomy sections of the book. New “Study Prompts,” integrative application questions, are included in each chapter in differently colored text and stimulate understanding of the material. Finally, a reorganized companion website is included with the book. It integrates fully with the print text and provides supplemental content, including word roots, clinical cases, study and practice questions, and additional images, diagrams, and videos.
Readers will also find: - An excellent anatomy and physiology resource for high school and undergraduate students in animal science, veterinary medicine, and zoology programs- Comprehensive explorations of the anatomy and physiology of the cell - Practical discussions of embryology, the skeletal system, and microscopic anatomy - Complete discussion of the physiology of muscle and the anatomy and physiology of the nervous system
A valuable comprehensive resource for advanced high school and undergraduate animal science students in agriculture, pre-veterinary, and veterinary technical program, Anatomy and Physiology of Farm Animals will also benefit people practicing in allied professions and veterinary practitioners.
Table of Contents
Preface xv
About the Companion Website xvii
Chapter 1 Introduction to Anatomy and Physiology 1
Chapter 2 Anatomy and Physiology of the Cell 19
Chapter 3 Embryology 57
Chapter 4 The Skeletal System 67
Chapter 5 Joints 91
Chapter 6 Microscopic Anatomy and Growth and Development of Bone 111
Chapter 7 Anatomy of the Muscular System 123
Chapter 8 The Ungulate Foot and Equine Passive Stay Apparatus 157
Chapter 9 Microscopic Anatomy and Physiology of Muscle 175
Chapter 10 Anatomy of the Nervous System 193
Chapter 11 Physiology of the Nervous System 219
Chapter 12 Sense Organs 235
Chapter 13 Endocrinology 261
Chapter 14 The Integument 281
Chapter 15 Blood and Other Body Fluids 293
Chapter 16 Body Defenses and the Immune System 309
Chapter 17 Anatomy of the Cardiovascular System 325
Chapter 18 Physiology of the Heart and Circulation 341
Chapter 19 The Respiratory System 359
Chapter 20 Anatomy of the Digestive System 379
Chapter 21 Physiology of Digestion 405
Chapter 22 Nutrition and Metabolism 427
Chapter 23 The Urinary System 437
Chapter 24 Anatomy of the Male Reproductive System 457
Chapter 25 Physiology of Male Reproduction 473
Chapter 26 Anatomy of the Female Reproductive System 483
Chapter 27 The Ovary and Estrous Cycles 493
Chapter 28 Pregnancy and Parturition 507
Chapter 29 Anatomy and Physiology of the Mammary Gland 519
Chapter 30 Poultry 535
Chapter 31 Llamas and Alpacas 559
Appendix: Abbreviations 567
Bibliography 573
Index 577