Maternal-Fetal and Neonatal Endocrinology: Physiology, Pathophysiology, and Clinical Management, Second Edition continues to systematically examine the normal and abnormal endocrinology of the pregnant and lactating female and of the fetus and neonate. This new edition expands coverage of specific disorders and diseases beyond the current endocrinology content on the market making it the go-to reference for translational and clinical research scientists to appreciate the research gaps that require further investigation. It's comprehensive coverage of pathophysiology, diagnosis, and treatments, will help readers better understand how various diseases present differently in pregnancy and lactation and how to respond to related complications.
Table of Contents
SECTION 1: THE MOTHERA. Normal endocrine physiology of the mother during conception, pregnancy, and lactation
1. Normal Endocrine Physiology of Hypothalamic Hormones During Ovulation, Pregnancy, and Lactation
2. The Pineal Gland and its Function in Pregnancy and Lactation
3. Pituitary Physiology During Pregnancy and Lactation
4. Thyroid Physiology During Pregnancy, Postpartum, and Lactation
5. Physiology of Calcium, Phosphorus, and Bone Metabolism During Pregnancy, Lactation
6. Gestational Glucose Metabolism: Focus on the Role and Mechanisms of Insulin Resistance
7. Gut Hormones in Pregnancy and Lactation
8. Adrenal Cortex and Medulla Physiology During Pregnancy, Labor, and Puerperium
9. Ovarian Function During Pregnancy and Lactation
10. The Physiological Roles of the Renin-Angiotensin Aldosterone System and Vasopressin in Human 11. Central Role of Adipose Tissue in Pregnancy and Lactation
12. Hormonal regulation of the menstrual cycle and ovulation
13. Maintenance of Pregnancy and Parturition
14. The Onset and Maintenance of Human Lactation and its Endocrine Regulation
15. Postpartum Lactational Amenorrhea and Recovery of Reproductive Function and Normal
B. Maternal endocrine disorders during conception, pregnancy, and lactation
16. Hypothalamic Disorders During Ovulation, Pregnancy, and Lactation
17. Pineal Gland Disorders and Circadian Rhythm Alterations in Pregnancy and Lactation
18. Pituitary Disorders During Pregnancy and Lactation
19. Thyroid Disorders During Pregnancy, Postpartum, and Lactation
20. Thyroid Cancer During Pregnancy and Lactation
21. Disorders of Mineral and Bone Metabolism During Pregnancy and Lactation
22. Gestational Diabetes and Type 2 Diabetes During Pregnancy
23. Type 1 Diabetes: During Preconception, Pregnancy, Postpartum, and Breastfeeding
24. Gut and Pancreatic Neuroendocrine Tumors in Pregnancy and Lactation
25. Adrenal Pathologies During Pregnancy and Postpartum
26. Hypertension in Pregnancy
27. Preconception and Pregnancy in Women with Obesity, Postbariatric Surgery, and Polycystic
C. Transgendered Issues
28. Fertility, Pregnancy, and Chest Feeding in Transgendered Individuals
D. Normal endocrine development and physiology of the fetus and neonate
29. Endocrinology of Implantation
30. Normal Hypothalamic and Pituitary Development and Physiology in the Fetus and Neonate
31. The Pineal Gland Development and its Physiology in Fetus and Neonate
32. Normal Thyroid Development and Function in the Fetus and Neonate
33. Physiology of Calcium, Phosphorus, and Bone Metabolism During Fetal and Neonatal Development
34. Developmental Physiology of Carbohydrate Metabolism and
35. Developmental Origins and Roles of Intestinal Enteroendocrine Hormones
36. Development and Function of the Adrenal Cortex and Medulla in the Fetus and Neonate
37. Development and Function of the Ovaries and Testes in the Fetus and
38. Development of Renin-Angiotensin-Aldosterone and Nitric Oxide System in the Fetus
and Neonate
39. Origins of Adipose Tissue and Adipose Regulating Hormones
40. Fetal and Placental Growth Physiology and Pathophysiology
41. Placental Production of Peptide, Steroid, and Lipid Hormones
E. Endocrine disorders affecting the fetus or neonate
42. Hypothalamic and Pituitary Disorders Affecting the Fetus and Neonate
43.Pineal Disorders in the Fetus and Neonate
44. Fetal and Postnatal Disorders of Thyroid Function
45. Disorders of Calcium, Phosphorus, and Bone Metabolism During Fetal and Neonatal Development
46. Pathophysiology and Management of Disorders of Carbohydrate Metabolism and Neonatal Diabetes
47. Intestinal Enteroendocrine Disorders in the Fetus and Neonate
48. Disorders of the Adrenal Cortex in the Fetus and Neonate
49. Disorders of Sex Development
50.Pathophysiological Roles and Disorders of Renin-Angiotensin-Aldosterone System and Nitric Oxide During Perinatal Periods
51. Obesity/Perinatal Origins of Obesity
52. Abnormal Fetal Growth
53. Small for gestational age babies: management and long term growth and metabolic outcomes
54. The effects of maternal obesity on the fetus, neonate, and child
55. The effects of maternal diabetes on the fetus, neonate, and child
F. New Diagnostic Technologies and Other Strategies
56. Novel technologies in Prenatal Diagnosis
57. Novel Technologies in Postnatal Diagnosis
58. Reaching Out: The Value and Challenge of Patient Support Organizations
Christopher Simon Kov�cs Research Professor, Faculty of Medicine, Endocrinology Health Sciences Centre Memorial University of Newfoundland, Newfoundland, Canada. Dr. Kov�cs is a highly recognized Research Professor of Medicine, Endocrinology, Obstetrics & Gynecology and has received over a dozen national and international awards for excellence in research, including a Gold Medal in Medicine from the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada; Young Investigator Award from the Canadian Society of Endocrinology and Metabolism, and Young Investigator Awards from the American Society for Bone and Mineral Research and Advances in Mineral Metabolism. He has served on Editorial Boards of journals, CIHR and NIH grant committees, and as a reviewer for grant agencies in Canada, USA, England, Ireland, and Australia. He was also on the Institute of Medicine / National Academies of Science USA Committee to Review Calcium and Vitamin D. His graduate students have won over 60 international, national, and local awards for excellence in research from various international societies. Cheri L. Deal Professor of Endocrinology, Department of Pediatrics, University of Montreal, and the Chief, Endocrinology Service, Ste-Justine Mother-Child University Teaching Hospital, Montreal, Canada. Cheri L. Deal, PhD, MD, is a Professor of Endocrinology in the Department of Pediatrics, University of Montreal, and the Chief of the Endocrinology Service at the Ste-Justine Mother-Child University Teaching Hospital in Montreal, Canada. Her training took her to McGill University, University of Montreal, and finally Stanford University for her endocrine research fellowship in placental growth. Past President of both the Canadian Pediatric Endocrine Group and the Canadian Society of Endocrinology and Metabolism, she now chairs the Education Committee of the International Society of Endocrinology. Her awards include the Young Investigator Award from the Pediatric Endocrine Society (previously LWPES), and most recently the Harvey Guyda Educator of the Year Award and the Robert Volp� Service Award from the Canadian Society of Endocrinology and Metabolism.Her major research interest is in the contribution of the growth hormone-insulin-like growth factor (GH-IGF) axis to the regulation of human growth. She has a strong commitment to patient-driven research, and has helped to elucidate the molecular defects associated with a wide range of rare pediatric endocrine disorders as well as participated in clinical studies aimed at ameliorating outcomes in a variety of pediatric endocrine diseases.