This reports provides a data-driven overview of the current and future competitive landscape in Progressive Supranuclear Palsy therapeutics.
The analyst epidemiologists estimate that there will be 263,657 diagnosed prevalent cases of PSP in 2024, which is expected to increase to 268,041 diagnosed prevalent cases by 2029.
Currently, there are no approved treatments in the PSP market.
The PSP pipeline holds 28 molecules, with no assets in the pre-registration stage, one asset in Phase III development, and seven assets in Phase II development.
Over the past decade, 52 clinical trials have been conducted in PSP. The years with the most studies initiated were 2018 and 2024 with eight trials each, followed by 2019, 2021, and 2023 with seven trials each.
During the past decade, partnerships were the most common deal type in North America. Licensing agreements were dominant in the APAC region. In Europe, licensing agreements and partnerships contributed equally to completed deals. In South and Central America as well as in Africa, licensing agreements accounted for all transactions.
The analyst epidemiologists estimate that there will be 263,657 diagnosed prevalent cases of PSP in 2024, which is expected to increase to 268,041 diagnosed prevalent cases by 2029.
Currently, there are no approved treatments in the PSP market.
The PSP pipeline holds 28 molecules, with no assets in the pre-registration stage, one asset in Phase III development, and seven assets in Phase II development.
Over the past decade, 52 clinical trials have been conducted in PSP. The years with the most studies initiated were 2018 and 2024 with eight trials each, followed by 2019, 2021, and 2023 with seven trials each.
During the past decade, partnerships were the most common deal type in North America. Licensing agreements were dominant in the APAC region. In Europe, licensing agreements and partnerships contributed equally to completed deals. In South and Central America as well as in Africa, licensing agreements accounted for all transactions.
The Progressive Supranuclear Palsy: Competitive Landscape combines data from the Pharma Intelligence Center with in-house analyst expertise to provide a competitive assessment of the disease marketplace.Components of the report include:
- Disease Landscape
- Disease Overview
- Epidemiology Overview
- Treatment Overview
- Marketed Products Assessment
- Breakdown by Mechanism of Action, Route of Administration
- Product Profiles with Sales Forecast
- Pricing and Reimbursement Assessment
- Annual Therapy Cost
- Time to Pricing and Time to Reimbursement
- Pipeline Assessment
- Breakdown by Development Stage, Mechanism of Action, Molecule Type, Route of Administration
- Product Profiles with Sales Forecast
- Late-to-mid-stage Pipeline Drugs
- Phase Transition Success Rate and Likelihood of Approval
- Clinical Trials Assessment
- Breakdown of Trials by Phase, Status, Virtual Components, Sponsors, Geography, and Endpoint Status
- Enrolment Analytics, Site Analytics, Feasibility Analysis
- Deals Landscape
- Mergers, Acquisitions, and Strategic Alliances by Region
- Overview of Recent Deals
- Commercial Assessment
- Key Market Players
- Future Market Catalysts
Reasons to Buy
- Develop and design your in-licensing and out-licensing strategies through a review of pipeline products and technologies, and by identifying the companies with the most robust pipeline.
- Develop business strategies by understanding the trends shaping and driving the Progressive Supranuclear Palsy market.
- Drive revenues by understanding the key trends, innovative products and technologies, and companies likely to impact the global Progressive Supranuclear Palsy market in the future.
- Formulate effective sales and marketing strategies by understanding the competitive landscape and analyzing the performance of various competitors.
- Identify emerging players with potentially strong product portfolios and create effective counter-strategies to gain a competitive advantage.
- Organize your sales and marketing efforts by identifying the market categories that present the maximum opportunities for consolidations, investments, and strategic partnerships.
Table of Contents
1 Table of Contents2 Key Findings10 Future Market Catalysts
1 Preface
3 Disease Landscape
4 Marketed Drugs Assessment
5 Pricing and Reimbursement Assessment
6 Pipeline Drugs Assessment
7 Clinical Trials Assessment
8 Deals Landscape
9 Commercial Assessment
11 Appendix