Overall crude and natural gas production in North America is expected to remain steady until 2028, with development primarily coming from Canada. To bolster oil and gas output from upcoming fields, it is estimated that a substantial development and production capital expenditure exceeding $100 billion is likely to be spent during the 2024 to 2028 period.
- The report highlights the upstream development outlook in North America between 2024 and 2028, excluding the production from the US lower 48 region. The North American oil and gas output is expected to play a crucial role in fulfilling the world energy demand in this timeframe.
Reasons to Buy
- Understand the oil and gas production outlook for North America, excluding the assets in the US Lower 48, for the period 2024 to 2028
- Keep abreast with key upcoming projects in the region during the outlook period
- Facilitate decision-making on the basis of the oil and gas production trend and capex data for the target region
- Develop business strategies with the help of specific insights on the North American upstream oil and gas sector
Table of Contents
01. Regional Development Trends- Key Highlights
- North America Production and Capex Outlook
- North America Development Outlook
- Oil and Gas Capex Trends
- Major Project Count by Type and Terrain
- North America Latest Project Updates
- Crude & Condensate Production Outlook by Country
- Crude & Condensate Production Outlook by Company
- Upcoming Oil Projects
- Natural Gas Outlook by Country
- Natural Gas Outlook by Company
- New Project Expenditure Outlook by Country
- New Project Expenditure Outlook by Company
- New Project Expenditure Outlook by Field Terrain
- Abbreviations and Definitions
- About the Analyst
- Contact the Publisher