Experts in real estate title practice have teamed up to bring you this comprehensive guide. From this book you will learn the fundamentals of title practice, including the "nuts and bolts" of a title examination, deeds, descriptions and surveys and contracts for purchase and sale. You learn the nuances of trusts, mechanic's liens, easements and restrictions and how they impact titles. Also examined are the impacts on title of bankruptcy, tax title proceedings, eminent domain and adverse possession. The book explores condominiums, homeowners' associations, streets and ways, waterways, wetlands and railroad properties. In-depth guidance is provided for dealing with title insurance and pursuing matters in the Land Court. Let this handbook be your guide through these and other issues in this complicated and challenging area of law.A Title Practice Clinic-In-A-Book
Table of Contents
Chapter 01 - The Beginnings of Property Law in MassachusettsPhillip J. Nexon, Esq.,
Exhibit 1A - Plimouth Great Book of Deeds
Exhibit 1B - The Sprightly Septuagenarian
Chapter 02 - Title Examination
Joel A. Stein, Esq.,
Law Office of Joel A. Stein
Checklist 2.1 - Checklist for Examining an Unregistered Land Title
Checklist 2.2 - Checklist for Assembling the Abstract
Checklist 2.3 - Checklist for Examining a Registered Land Title
Checklist 2.4 - Foreclosure Checklist
Exhibit 2A - REBA Handbook of Standards & Forms
Exhibit 2B - Apostille Model
Exhibit 2C - Massachusetts Deed Indexing Standards, Appendix A
Exhibit 2D - A Guide for the Use of REBA Forms 60A-62C
Exhibit 2E - Probate and Family Court Heirs Charts
Exhibit 2F - REBA Title Standard No. 68
Chapter 03 - Real Estate Descriptions and Surveys
Mary L. Cataudella, Esq.,
Touchstone Closing & Escrow LLC & Touchstone Law Offices
Lawrence P. Heffernan, Esq.,
Robinson+ Cole LLP
Exhibit 3A - Example Parcel Survey
Exhibit 3B - Conversion Table
Exhibit 3C - Explanatory Sketch and Table
Exhibit 3D - Code of Abbreviations
Exhibit 3E - Accuracy Standards for ALTA/NSPS Land Title Surveys
Exhibit 3F - Manual of Instructions for the Survey of Lands and Preparation of Plans: December 16, 2019
Exhibit 3G - Abbreviations in a Survey
Chapter 04 - Title Insurance Basics
Lynne Murphy Breen, Esq.,
First American Title
Exhibit 4A - ALTA Owner’s Policy Jacket (2021 Form with Redline Changes from 2006 Form)
Exhibit 4AA - Chart: Castle Enhanced and ALTA Policies Compared
Exhibit 4B - Owner’s Policy of Title Insurance
Exhibit 4BB - Castle Enhanced Coverage Owner’s Policy Jacket
Exhibit 4C - ALTA Loan Policy Jacket (2021 Form with Redline Changes from 2006 Form)
Exhibit 4CC - Castle Enhanced Coverage Loan Policy Jacket
Exhibit 4D - Loan Policy of Title Insurance
Exhibit 4DD - ALTA 19 Series Endorsements
Exhibit 4E - Schedules A and B for Owners and Lenders
Exhibit 4EE - ALTA 3 Series Endorsements
Exhibit 4F - Property Description Sheet
Exhibit 4FF - ALTA 17 Series Endorsements
Exhibit 4G - Secondary Mortgage Market Endorsement
Exhibit 4GG - ALTA 9 Series Endorsements
Exhibit 4H - ALTA Endorsement Form 9
Exhibit 4I - ALTA Endorsement Form 8.1
Exhibit 4J - ALTA Endorsement Form 7
Exhibit 4K - ALTA Endorsement Form 6
Exhibit 4L - ALTA Endorsement Form 6.2
Exhibit 4M - ALTA Endorsement Form 5
Exhibit 4N - ALTA Endorsement Form 4.1
Exhibit 4O - Master Endorsement
Exhibit 4P - “Date Down” Endorsement
Exhibit 4Q - Residential Limited Coverage Policy Jacket
Exhibit 4R - Notice of Availability of Owner’s Title Insurance
Exhibit 4S - ALTA Commitment for Title Insurance (2021 Form with Redline Changes from 2016 Form)
Exhibit 4T - Sample Affidavit Required by the Title Insurer to Provide Coverage Requested by the Lender
Exhibit 4U - Survey Affidavit
Exhibit 4V - Surveyor’s Report Form
Exhibit 4W - ALTA (CATIC) Expanded Coverage Residential Loan Policy
Exhibit 4X - ALTA Homeowner’s Policy of Title Insurance (2021 Form with Redline Changes from 2013 Form)
Exhibit 4Y - Chart: Comparison of ALTA Standard and Homeowner’s (Expanded Protection) Policies
Exhibit 4Z - Summary of Castle Enhanced Coverage Policies for One-to-Four Family Residences
Chapter 05 - Deeds
Bruce H. Bagdasarian, Esq.,
Sheehan Phinney Bass & Green PA
Darren M. Baird, Esq.,
Goulston & Storrs, PC
David H. Morse, Esq.,
Exhibit 5A - Statutory Form Warranty Deed
Exhibit 5B - Statutory Form Quitclaim Deed
Exhibit 5C - Statutory Form Release Deed
Exhibit 5D - Sample Deed
Exhibit 5E - Declaration of Homestead
Exhibit 5F - Declaration of Homestead for Elderly and Disabled Persons
Chapter 06 - Easements and Restrictions
Justin M. Perrotta, Esq.,
KP Law, PC
Chapter 07 - Trusts
Leo J. Cushing, Esq.,
Cushing & Dolan, PC
Kevin F. Osorio, Esq.,
Cushing & Dolan, PC
Chapter 08 - Contracts for Purchase and Sale
Joseph P. Jannetty, Esq.,
Nutter McClennen & Fish LLP
Gary D. Zanercik, Esq.,
Nutter McClennen & Fish LLP
Exhibit 8A - Notice of Purchase and Sale Agreement
Exhibit 8B - Affidavit of Seller Under G.L. c. 183, § 5B
Exhibit 8C - Affidavit
Exhibit 8D - Proposed Form of Lis Pendens
Exhibit 9A - Real Estate Bar Association for Massachusetts Form 58
Exhibit 9B - Real Estate Bar Association for Massachusetts Form 32
Chapter 09 - Devolution of Title by Death and by Incompetents
Pamela R. Green, Esq.,
Smith Green & Holmes, LLP
Chapter 10 - Mechanic’s Liens
Exhibit 10A - Statement of Account
Exhibit 10B - Notice of Contract
Exhibit 10C - Notice of Contract - Design Professional
Exhibit 10D - Notice of Substantial Completion
Exhibit 10E - Notice of Termination
Exhibit 10F - Notice of Contract
Exhibit 10G - Notice of Contract - Design Professional Subcontractor
Exhibit 10H - Notice of Identification
Exhibit 10I - Partial Waiver and Subordination of Lien
Exhibit 10J - ALTA 32 Pending Disbursements Endorsement Modified for Massachusetts
Exhibit 10K - Blanket “No-Lien” Bond
Exhibit 10L - Target Lien Dissolution Bond
Exhibit 10M - Notice of Dissolution of Lien
Chapter 11 - Bankruptcy
Tristan Axelrod,
Brown Rudnick LLP
David A. Mawhinney, Esq.,
Standing Chapter 13 Trustee (Central & Western Divisions)
Exhibit 11A - Motion for Order Authorizing and Approving Private Sale of Real Estate Free and Clear of All Liens and Encumbrances
Exhibit 11B - Complaint by Trustee to Sell Real Property Pursuant to Bankruptcy Code § 363(h)
Exhibit 11C - Official Form Notices of Sale - Massachusetts Local Bankruptcy Rules
Exhibit 11D - Form of Bid Procedures
Exhibit 11E - Motion for Order Approving Breakup Fee, Overbid Provisions and Form of Notice of Sale
Exhibit 11F - Order Authorizing and Approving Private Sale of Real Estate Free and Clear of All Liens and Encumbrances
Exhibit 11G - Trustee’s Release Deed
Exhibit 11H - Notice of Abandonment
Exhibit 11I - Motion by Bank and Trust Company, N.A. for Relief from Stay (with Certificate of Prerelief Conference and Real Estate Worksheet)
Exhibit 11J - Order on Motion by Bank and Trust Company, N.A. for Relief from Stay
Exhibit 11K - Notice of Intent to Assume and Assign Real Estate Lease
Exhibit 11L - Motion for Assumption and Assignment of Real Estate Lease
Exhibit 11M - Consent to Assumption of Lease
Chapter 12 - Eminent Domain
Kate Barry,
Greenberg Traurig LLP
James D. Masterman, Esq.,
Greenberg Traurig LLP
James P. Ponsetto, Esq.,
Greenberg Traurig LLP
Exhibit 12A - Complaint and Jury Claim
Exhibit 12B - Plaintiff’s Initial Set of Interrogatories to Be Answered by Defendant
Exhibit 12C - Plaintiff’s First Request for Documents
Chapter 13 - Adverse Possession
Cassandra Ono Rodgers, Esq.,
Sheehan Phinney Bass & Green PA
Aaron D. Rosenberg, Esq.,
Sheehan Phinney Bass & Green PA
Chapter 14 - Land Court
Hon. Gordon H. Piper,
Land Court, Commonwealth of Massachusetts
Hon. Lauren Reznick,
Land Court, Commonwealth of Massachusetts
Diane C. Tillotson, Esq.,
Hemenway & Barnes LLP
Exhibit 14A - Checklist for Reviewing Registered Land Condominiums
Exhibit 14B - Land Court’s Outline on Registration/Confirmation Only
Exhibit 14C - Land Court Form of Complaint for Registration
Exhibit 14D - Land Court Form of Certificate to Be Endorsed by Local Assessors
Exhibit 14E - Land Court Form of Certificate of Opinion
Exhibit 14F - Mortgagee’s Affidavit
Exhibit 14G - Sample Case Management Conference Notice and Order
Exhibit 14H - Sample Pre-Trial Conference Notice and Order
Chapter 15 - Marketable Title
Sheila M. Hurley, Esq.,
Toni M. Mitchell, Esq.,
Chapter 16 - Foreclosure Related Issues
Francis J. Nolan, Esq.,
Harmon Law Offices, PC
Chapter 17 - Buying and Selling Dirty Property
Gregor I. McGregor, Esq.,
McGregor Legere & Stevens, PC
Checklist 17.1 - Checklist of Contract Provisions for Typical Land Transaction
Checklist 17.2 - Checklist of Optional Clauses for Complicated Transaction
Checklist 17.3 - Checklist for Indemnification Clauses
Exhibit 17A - Conditions for Offer to Purchase Premises with Known Contamination
Exhibit 17B - “Basic” Conditions for Offer
Exhibit 17C - Lease Provisions on Hazardous Materials
Exhibit 17D - “Basic” Indemnification Clause for Purchase and Sale Agreement
Exhibit 17E - “Intermediate” Indemnification Agreement for Execution as a Separate Contract
Exhibit 17F - “Advanced” Indemnification Agreement
Exhibit 17G - Warranties and Representations Leaking Underground Tank Cleanup
Editor(s)James D. Masterman, Esq.,
Greenberg Traurig LLP, Boston
Tristan Axelrod,
Brown Rudnick LLP, Boston
Bruce H. Bagdasarian, Esq.,
Sheehan Phinney Bass & Green PA, Boston
Darren M. Baird, Esq.,
Goulston & Storrs, PC, Boston
Kate Barry,
Greenberg Traurig LLP, Boston
Mary L. Cataudella, Esq.,
Touchstone Closing & Escrow LLC & Touchstone Law Offices, Andover
Kevin T. Creedon, Esq.,
Fidelity National Title Insurance Company, Boston
Leo J. Cushing, Esq.,
Cushing & Dolan, PC, Waltham
Pamela R. Green, Esq.,
Smith Green & Holmes, LLP, Pittsfield
Lawrence P. Heffernan, Esq.,
Robinson+ Cole LLP, Boston
Sheila M. Hurley, Esq.,
Joseph P. Jannetty, Esq.,
Nutter McClennen & Fish LLP, Boston
James D. Masterman, Esq.,
Greenberg Traurig LLP, Boston
David A. Mawhinney, Esq.,
Standing Chapter 13 Trustee (Central & Western Divisions), Worcester
Gregor I. McGregor, Esq.,
McGregor Legere & Stevens, PC, Boston
Toni M. Mitchell, Esq.,
Lynne Murphy Breen, Esq.,
First American Title, Boston
Phillip J. Nexon, Esq.,
Francis J. Nolan, Esq.,
Harmon Law Offices, PC, Newton
Kevin F. Osorio, Esq.,
Cushing & Dolan, PC, Waltham
Justin M. Perrotta, Esq.,
KP Law, PC, Boston
Hon. Gordon H. Piper,
Land Court, Commonwealth of Massachusetts, Boston
James P. Ponsetto, Esq.,
Greenberg Traurig LLP, Boston
Hon. Lauren Reznick,
Land Court, Commonwealth of Massachusetts, Boston
Cassandra Ono Rodgers, Esq.,
Sheehan Phinney Bass & Green PA, Manchester
Aaron D. Rosenberg, Esq.,
Sheehan Phinney Bass & Green PA, Boston
Joel A. Stein, Esq.,
Law Office of Joel A. Stein, Norwell
Diane C. Tillotson, Esq.,
Hemenway & Barnes LLP, Boston
Gary D. Zanercik, Esq.,
Nutter McClennen & Fish LLP, Boston