What new theories, evidence, explanations, and policies have shaped our studies of income distribution in the 21st century?
Editors Tony Atkinson and Francois Bourguignon assemble the expertise of leading authorities in this survey of substantive issues. In two volumes they address subjects that were not covered in Volume 1 (2000), such as education, health and experimental economics; and subjects that were covered but where there have been substantial new developments, such as the historical study of income inequality and globalization. Some chapters discuss future growth areas, such as inheritance, the links between inequality and macro-economics and finance, and the distributional implications of climate change. They also update empirical advances and major changes in the policy environment.
Table of Contents
Part I: Concepts and approaches1. Income distribution in the history of economic thought.� Agnar Sandmo
2. Inequality, income and well-being.� Marc Fleurbaey, Erik Schokkaert and Koen Decancq
3. Multi-dimensional inequality and poverty.� Andrea Brandolini and Rolf Aaberge
4. Equality of opportunity.� John E. Roemer and Alain Trannoy
5. Polarization.�� Jean-Yves Duclos
6. Statistical methods for distributional analysis.� Frank Cowell and Emmanuel Flachaire
Part II Evidence
7. Long-run trends in the distribution of income and wealth.�� Daniel Waldenstrom and Jesper Roine
8. Post-1970 trends in within-country inequality and poverty.�� Timothy Michael Smeeding, Jeffrey Thompson and Salvatore Morelli
9. Post-1970 trends in inequality and poverty in developing and emerging countries.� Facundo Alvaredo and Leonardo Gasparini
10. Income mobility.� Markus Jantti and Stephen Jenkins
11. The Global distribution of income.� Sudhir Anand and Paul Segal
12. Gender inequality.� Dominique Meurs and Sophie Ponthieux
13. Experimental and survey evidence about attitudes to inequality.�� Andrew Clark and Conchita d'Ambrosio
Part III Explanations
14. Inequality in macro-economics.�� Jose-Victor Rios-Rull and Vincenzo Quadrini
15. Wealth and inheritance.�� Thomas Piketty
16. Intra-Household inequality.� Pierre-Andr� Chiappori and Costas Meghir
17. Health and inequality.�� Owen O'Donnell, Eddy van Doorslaer and Tom Van Ourti
18. Labour-market institutions and the dispersion of wage earnings.�� Wiemer Salverda and Daniele Checchi
19. Cross-country studies of the multiple causes of inequality in the OECD area.�� Michael F. F�rster and Istvan Gy�rgy Toth
20. Globalization and inequality.� Ravi Kanbur
Part IV: Policies
21. Democracy, political institutions and inequality.�� James Robinson and Daron Acemoglu
22. Equitable development policies.�� Martin Ravallion
23. The welfare state and anti-poverty policy in rich countries.�� Brian Nolan, Ive Marx and Javier Olivera
24. Micro-simulation and policy analysis.�� Holly Sutherland, Alari Paulus and Francesco Figari�