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Thermodynamic Models for Chemical Engineering. Design, Develop, Analyse and Optimize

  • Book

  • June 2021
  • Elsevier Science and Technology
  • ID: 4519501

Thermodynamic Models for Chemical Engineering gives an overview of the main thermodynamic models used by engineers and in engineering researcher processes. These fall into two main families, equations of state and activity coefficient models. The book presents the state-of-the-art of purely predictive models.

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Table of Contents

Part 1 Activity Coefficient Models
1. Correlations for the estimation of thermodynamic properties of pure substances in the liquid, perfect gas, or vapor-liquid states
2. Estimation of thermodynamic properties of pure substances using equation of state: Overview of available models and calculation procedures
3. Low-pressure vapor-liquid and liquid-liquid equilibria of binary systems: Activity-coefficient models
4. Estimation of the themodynamic properties of mixtures from an equation of state: An overview of models and calculation procedures
5. General Summary: decision tree to select a themodynamic model in order to simulate or design a chemical process


Jean-Noel Jaubert University of Lorraine, Nancy, France. Jean-No�l Jaubert is a Professor of chemical engineering thermodynamics at ENSIC (Ecole Nationale Sup�rieure des Industries Chimiques), a state-run institution of higher education characterized by a highly selective admission procedure. He received his doctorate in 1993 and has published more than 150 research papers. He is the French delegate at the working party thermodynamics and transport properties of the European Federation of Chemical Engineering and currently runs the research group Thermodynamics and Energy of the LRGP (Laboratoire R�actions et G�nie des Proc�d�s). His research interests include the development of predictive thermodynamic models based on the group contribution concept, the use of exergetic life cycle assessment in order to reduce CO2 emissions, the measurement and correlation of liquid-vapor equilibrium under high pressure and enhanced oil recovery. Romain Privat University of Lorraine, Nancy, France. Romain Privat currently works as an Associate Professor of chemical engineering and chemical-engineering thermodynamics at ENSIC (Ecole Nationale Sup�rieure des Industries Chimiques) and EEIGM (Ecole Europ�enne d'Ing�nieurs en G�nie des Mat�riaux), two state-run institutions of higher education. He received his PhD degree in 2008 and got a permanent position in France after a one-year research stay in Rafiqul Gani's team at the DTU (Danish Technical University). He has authored or co-authored more than 70 research papers. His research interests include thermodynamic modeling of solid and fluid systems, computational thermodynamics as well as product design applied to thermodynamic cycles.