Helps you�recognize both normal and diseased structures at the microscopic level�with the aid of succinct explanatory text as well as numerous clinical boxes.�
Features�more histopathology content�and�additional clinical boxes�to increase your knowledge of pathophysiology and clinical relevance.�
Includes�high-quality light and electron micrographs, including enhanced and colorized electron micrographs that show ultra-structures in 3D, side by side with�classic Netter illustrations�that link your knowledge of anatomy and cell biology to what is seen in the micrographs.�
Provides online access to�author-narrated video overviews of each chapter, plus Zoomify images and Virtual Slides that include histopathology and can be viewed at different magnifications.�
Enhanced eBook version included with purchase.�Your enhanced eBook allows you to access�all of�the text, figures, and references from the book on a variety of devices.
Histology and Cytology - Global Strategic Business Report
- Report
- 191 Pages
- Global