Ecosystem and Territorial Resilience: A Geoprospective Approach provides a full review of the geoprospective approach and how it can be used in planning for and implementing environmental and territorial resilience measures. The geoprospective approach is a way to predict and assess for future risks, and is a comprehensive method for identifying and addressing potential change impacts. In addition to the main concepts and methods of this approach, the book presents applications and case studies for different spatio-temporal scales and problems related to the degradation of socio-ecosystems, as well as applying the geoprospective approach to environmental and urban planning.The book offers an interdisciplinary perspective, tying in concepts and techniques from geography, including spatial analysis methods, modelling, and GIS, to address issues of ecological impacts of climate change, urban risk and resilience, land use changes, coastal impacts, and sustainable development and potential of adaptability. This book is a unique and integral resource for policy makers, environmental and territorial managers, scientists, engineers, consultants, and graduate students interested in anticipating future change in socio-ecosystems.
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Table of Contents
1. The origins of geoprospective2. Anticipating the impacts of future changes on ecosystems: main issues of geoprospective
3. Knowledge challenges of the geoprospective approach applied to territorial resilience
4. Methods and tools in geoprospective
5. Geoprospective approach for biodiversity conservation taking into account human activities and global warming
6. Assessing the territorial adoption potential of electric mobility: geoprospective and scenarios
7. The touristic model of Valais facing climate change: geoprospective simulations of more environmentally integrated development models
8. Geoprospective assessment of the wood energy supply chain sustainability in a context of global warming and land use change within 2050 in Mediterranean area
9. Simulating together multi-scale and multi-sectorial adaptations to global change and their impacts: A generic serious game and its implementation in coastal areas in France and South Africa
10. Geoprospective as a support to marine spatial planning: some French experience-based assumptions and findings
11. Simulating the interactions of environmental and socio-economic dynamics at the scale of an eco-district: Urban modeling of Gerland (Lyon, France)
12. Geodesign for Collaborative Spatial Planning: three case studies at different scales
13. How do public policies respond to spatialized environmental issues? Feedback and perspectives
Emmanuel Garbolino Director of Climpact Data Science (CDS) and Research Supervisor at University of Nice, France. Dr. Emmanuel Garbolino has a PhD in Geography as well as an HDR accreditation to supervise research in Geography, bothof which he earned from the University of Nice, France. He also has a Master of Ecology and Paleoecology degree from
the University of Aix-Marseille, France. After completing his PhD, for which he also worked at the Joint Research Centre
(JRC) of the European Commission in Ispra (Italy), Dr. Garbolino spent 17 years in the field of public research at the Risk
and Crisis Research Centre at MINES ParisTech. He is currently the Director of Climpact Data Science (CDS), a company
that provides services to support decision makers in adapting their strategies, activities, and territorial management in
the context of global climate and land use changes. Christine Voiron-Canicio Professor of Geography at University C�te d'Azur (France). Christine Voiron-Canicio is a professor of geography at Universite� C�te d'Azur, France. She is a recipient of bronze medal
from the French National Centre for Scientific Research (CNRS) and is a co-founder of the Geoprospective research
group and a co-head of the Territorial Resilience Strategy training for sustainable city stakeholders, in collaboration with
Sustainable Cities France. She led the ESPACE lab in France from 2008 to 2017. She specializes in spatial analysis applied
to sustainability issues, including: urban risks, slow evolutions and sudden phenomena, vulnerabilities, and resilience.
She couples scientific skills in modeling and spatial simulations with geoprospective approaches, aimed at anticipating
the spatial impacts of future changes. She is currently involved in research into diagnosing and improving the adaptive
capacity of regions and cities.