The Malaysian meat sector is expected to grow from MYR16.9 billion ($3.7 billion) in 2023 to MYR18.9 billion ($4.2 billion) in 2028, growing at a CAGR of 2.2%. In volume terms, the sector is expected to grow from 857 million kg in 2023 to 867.8 million kg in 2028, growing at a CAGR of 0.3%. Fresh meat (counter) was the largest category in both value and volume, while frozen meat is forecast to register the fastest value growth, followed by chilled raw packaged meat - processed, cooked meats - packaged, and chilled raw packaged meat - whole cuts. Among the distribution channel food & drinks specialists was the largest distribution channel. Key players driving the market are Ramly Food Processing, PG Lean Hwa Trading Sdn Bhd, and Aqina Holdings Sdn. Bhd.
- Per capita consumption of meat in Malaysia was higher than regional and global levels in 2023.
- The per capita consumption of fresh meat (counter) was higher in Malaysia compared to other meat categories in 2023
- Food & drinks specialists was the leading distribution channel in the Malaysian meat sector, with a value share of 60.2% in 2023
- Flexible packaging accounted for a share of 58.2% in 2023
Reasons to Buy
- Identify high potential categories and explore further market opportunities based on detailed value and volume analysis
- Existing and new players can analyze key distribution channels to identify and evaluate trends and opportunities
- Gain an understanding of the total competitive landscape based on detailed company share analysis to plan effective market positioning
- Our team of analysts have placed a significant emphasis on changes expected in the market that will provide a clear picture of the opportunities that can be tapped over the next five years, resulting in revenue expansion
- Analysis on key macro-economic indicators such as real GDP, nominal GDP, consumer price index, household consumption expenditure, population (by age group, gender, rural-urban split, and employed people and unemployment rate. It also includes economic summary of the country along with labor market and demographic trends.
Table of Contents
- Report Scope
- Executive Summary
- Market Environment
- Value and Volume Share of Malaysia in the Global and Asia-Pacific Markets
- Growth Analysis of Malaysia Compared to Other Leading Countries in the Asia-Pacific Market
- PCC and PCE of Malaysia Compared to the Global and Asia-Pacific Markets
- Sector Deep Dive
- Malaysia Meat Sector Snapshot
- Market Size Analysis
- Cross-Category Comparison - Value Growth Analysis and Category Winners and Losers
- Cross-Category Comparison - Volume Growth Analysis and Category Winners and Losers
- Category Deep Dive
- Per Capita Consumption Analysis by Category
- Market Size Analysis - Category: Ambient Meat
- Segment-level Analysis (In Value Terms) - Ambient Meat
- Segment-level Analysis (In Volume Terms) - Ambient Meat
- Market Size Analysis - Category: Chilled Raw Packaged Meat - Processed
- Segment-level Analysis (In Value Terms) - Chilled Raw Packaged Meat - Processed
- Segment-level Analysis (In Volume Terms) - Chilled Raw Packaged Meat - Processed
- Market Size Analysis - Category: Chilled Raw Packaged Meat - Whole Cuts
- Segment-level Analysis (In Value Terms) - Chilled Raw Packaged Meat - Whole Cuts
- Segment-level Analysis (In Volume Terms) - Chilled Raw Packaged Meat - Whole Cuts
- Market Size Analysis - Category: Cooked Meats - Counter
- Market Size Analysis - Category: Cooked Meats - Packaged
- Segment-level Analysis (In Value Terms) - Cooked Meats - Packaged
- Segment-level Analysis (In Volume Terms) - Cooked Meats - Packaged
- Market Size Analysis - Category: Fresh Meat (Counter)
- Segment-level Analysis (In Value Terms) - Fresh Meat (Counter)
- Segment-level Analysis (In Volume Terms) - Fresh Meat (Counter)
- Market Size Analysis - Category: Frozen Meat
- Segment-level Analysis (In Value Terms) - Frozen Meat
- Segment-level Analysis (In Volume Terms) - Frozen Meat
- Distribution Analysis
- Channel Share Analysis
- Competitive Environment
- Leading Companies - Value and Volume Shares
- Brand Share Analysis of Top Five Companies
- Brand Share Analysis of Top Five Companies by Category
- Private Label Share Analysis by Category
- Growth of Private Labels Compared to Branded Products
- Degree of Consolidation/Fragmentation by Category
- Health & Wellness Analysis
- Health & wellness analysis by category
- Health & wellness analysis by product attributes
- Health & wellness analysis by consumer benefits
- Cross category comparison- products with H&W Vs. non H&W claims
- Packaging Analysis
- Pack Material Growth Analysis
- Pack Type Growth Analysis
- Closure Type Growth Analysis
- Primary Outer Type Growth Analysis
- City Deep Dive
- Market Size Analysis of Top four Cities
- Consumergraphics
- Demographic Analysis
- Macroeconomic Analysis
- GDP Growth and Inflation
- Population Growth
- Labor Market Trend
- Economic Summary, Labor Market Trends, and Demographic Trends
- Malaysia Risk Index (GCRI) 2023
- Malaysia Risk Analysis - Compared to Global and Asia-Pacific Markets
- Methodology
- Definitions
- Appendix
- Leading value categories
- Leading categories (volume), 2023
- Cross-category comparison - by value (2018-28)
- Cross-category comparison - by volume (2018-28)
- Per capita consumption (by category), Malaysia compared to Asia-pacific and global levels (in units), 2023
- Segment-level analysis (in value terms) - ambient meat
- Segment-level analysis (in volume terms) - ambient meat
- Segment-level analysis (in value terms) - chilled raw packaged meat - processed
- Segment-level analysis (in volume terms) - chilled raw packaged meat - processed
- Segment-level analysis (in value terms) - chilled raw packaged meat - whole cuts
- Segment-level analysis (in volume terms) - chilled raw packaged meat - whole cuts
- Segment-level analysis (in value terms) - cooked meats - packaged
- Segment-level analysis (in volume terms) - cooked meats - packaged
- Segment-level analysis (in value terms) - fresh meat (counter)
- Segment-level analysis (in volume terms) - fresh meat (counter)
- Segment-level analysis (in value terms) -frozen meat
- Segment-level analysis (in volume terms) - frozen meat
- Change in distribution share, 2018-23
- Top five companies share by brand (in value and volume terms) in the meat sector, 2023
- Brand shares of top five companies (in value and volume terms) by category, 2023
- Category comparison - with H&W claims and non-h&w claims, 2018-23
- Use of primary type by category (in pack units), 2023
- Volume share analysis of top four cities by category (%), 2023
- Performance overview (score: 1-100)
- Category data, by segment
- Per capita consumption (in units), 2018-28
- Per capita expenditure ($), 2018-28
- Meat sales distribution in Malaysia - by category (MYR million), 2023
- Brand share (in value and volume terms) in the meat sector, 2023
- Brand share (in value and volume terms) in the meat sector, by category, 2023
- Key health & wellness product attributes driving sales in Malaysia ($ million), 2018-23
- Key health & wellness consumer benefits driving sales in Malaysia ($ million), 2018-23
- Pack material (in million pack units), 2018-28
- Pack materials by category (in million pack units), 2023
- Pack type (in million pack units), 2018-28
- Pack types by category (in million pack units), 2023
- Closure type (in million pack units), 2018-28
- Closure types by category (in million pack units), 2023
- Primary outer type (in million pack units), 2018-28
- Primary outer types by category (in million pack units), 2023
- Real GDP and annual growth (%), 2021-28
- Nominal GDP and annual growth (%), 2021-28
- Consumer price inflation (%), 2021-2028
- Employed people and unemployment rate (%), 2021-28
- Nominal household final consumption expenditure and annual growth (%), 2021-28
- Population and annual growth (%), 2021-28
- Population by age group (%)
- Population by gender (%)
- Population by rural-urban split (%)
- Value and volume shares of Malaysia in the global and Asia-Pacific meat sector, 2023 -28
- Malaysia compared to the other top countries in terms of market share, growth, and the competitive landscape
- PCC comparison - Malaysia, Asia-pacific, and global, 2018-28
- PCE comparison - Malaysia, Asia-pacific, and global, 2018-28
- Market size and growth analysis by value and volume, meat sector, 2018-28
- Cross-category comparison - value growth analysis and category winners and losers
- Cross-category comparison - volume growth analysis and category winners and losers
- Market size and growth analysis by value and volume, ambient meat category, 2018-28
- Market size and growth analysis by value and volume, chilled raw packaged meat - processed, 2018-28
- Market size and growth analysis by value and volume, chilled raw packaged meat - whole cuts category, 2018-28
- Market size and growth analysis by value and volume, cooked meats - counter category, 2018-28
- Market size and growth analysis by value and volume, cooked meats - packaged, category, 2018-28
- Market size and growth analysis by value and volume, fresh meat (counter), category, 2018-28
- Market size and growth analysis by value and volume, fresh meat (counter), category, 2018-28
- Share of key distribution channels (in value terms) - meat, 2023
- Key distribution channel share by category (in value terms), 2023
- Leading companies (in value and volume terms) in the meat sector, 2023
- Private label penetration by category (in value terms), 2023
- Growth analysis, private label and brands, 2018-28
- Category-wise consolidation/fragmentation (in value terms) - meat , 2023
- Prominence of health & wellness claims by category, $ million, 2018-23
- Contribution of health & wellness by product attributes, $ million, 2018-23
- Contribution of health & wellness by consumer benefits, $ million, 2018-23
- Key pack materials in the Malaysian meat sector by percentage share of pack units, 2023
- Annual growth rate by key pack material, 2018-28
- Use of pack material by category (in pack units), 2023
- Key pack types in the Malaysian meat sector by percentage share of pack units, 2023
- Annual Growth Rate by Key Pack Type, 2018-28
- Use of Pack Type by Category (in Pack Units), 2023
- Key Closure Types in the Malaysia meat Sector by Percentage Share of Pack Units, 2023
- Annual Growth Rate by Key Closure Type, 2018-28
- Use of Closure Type by Category (in Pack Units), 2023
- Key Primary Outer Types in the Malaysia meat Sector by Percentage Share of Pack Units, 2023
- Annual Growth Rate by Key Primary Outer Type, 2018-28
- Use of primary type by category (in pack units), 2023
- Volume Growth Analysis of Four Cities (Million kg), 2018-23
- Demographic Analysis
- Real GDP (MYR Billion) and Annual Growth (%)
- Nominal GDP (MYR Billion) and Annual Growth (%)
- Consumer Price Inflation (%)
- Nominal Household Final Consumption Expenditure Growth (%) in MYR Terms
- Population (Million) and Annual Growth (%)
- Population by Age Group (%)
- Population by Gender (%)
- Population by Rural-Urban Split (%)
- Employed People (Million) and Unemployment Rate (%)
- Economic Summary, Labor Market Trends, and Demographic Trends
- Five Lowest-Risk Nations in GCRI Q4 2023
- Five Highest-Risk Nations in GCRI Q4 2023
- Malaysia's Performance in Country Risk Analysis in Comparison to Asia-Pacific and the World
Companies Mentioned (Partial List)
A selection of companies mentioned in this report includes, but is not limited to:
- Ramly Food Processing Sdn. Bhd.
- PG Lean Hwa Trading Sdn Bhd
- Aqina Holdings Sdn. Bhd.
- Lay Hong Berhad
- TCH Frozen Food SDN BHD