Medical students encounter many challenges on their path to success, from managing their time, applying theory to practice, and passing exams. The Medical Student Survival Skills series helps medical students navigate core subjects of the curriculum, providing accessible, short reference guides for OSCE preparation and hospital placements. These guides are the perfect tool for achieving clinical success.
Medical Student Survival Skills: Procedural Skills is the ideal guide for medical students tasked with performing a core set of clinical procedures. A vital part of any medical training, these procedures range from basic body temperature and blood pressure measurements to more advanced arterial blood gas sampling and ophthalmoscopic techniques. This indispensable guide enables students to quickly lookup relevant information on the go, carry out clinical procedures with minimal supervision and apply procedural knowledge to their OSCE exams.
Table of Contents
About the companion website vii
1 Measuring body temperature 1
2 Measuring pulse and blood pressure 7
3 Transcutaneous monitoring of oxygen saturations 13
4 Peak expiratory flow 17
5 Venepuncture 21
6 Managing blood samples correctly 25
7 Taking blood cultures 29
8 Measuring capillary blood glucose 33
9 ECG monitoring 37
10 Recording a 12 lead ECG 41
11 Basic respiratory function tests 45
12 Urine multi‐dipstick test 49
13 Advising patients on how to collect a mid‐stream urine specimen 53
14 Taking nose, throat, and skin swabs 57
15 Performing a pregnancy test 63
16 Administering oxygen 69
17 Airway management: Insertion of oropharyngeal and nasopharyngeal airways 75
18 Ventilation: Pocket mask and self‐inflating bag 81
19 Defibrillation (manual and automated) 87
20 Cardiopulmonary resuscitation 91
21 Establishing peripheral intravenous access 101
22 Use of infusion devices 107
23 Making up drugs for parenteral administration 111
24 Dosage and administration of insulin and use of sliding scales 115
25 Administering a subcutaneous injection 119
26 Intravenous injections 123
27 Administration of blood transfusion 127
28 Male and female urinary catheterisation 135
29 Instructing patients in the use of devices for inhaled medication 147
30 Skin suturing 151
31 Application of a sling 155
32 Safe disposal of clinical waste, needles, and other ‘sharps’ 159
33 Arterial blood gas sampling 165
34 Examination of the ear 169
35 Ophthalmoscopy 175
36 Relieving foreign body airway obstruction 181
Index 185