Modeling of Mass Transport Processes in Biological Media focuses on applications of mass transfer relevant to biomedical processes and technology-fields that require quantitative mechanistic descriptions of the delivery of molecules and drugs. This book features recent advances and developments in biomedical therapies with a focus on the associated theoretical and mathematical techniques necessary to predict mass transfer in biological systems.
The book is authored by over 50 established researchers who are internationally recognized as leaders in their fields. Each chapter contains a comprehensive introductory section for those new to the field, followed by recent modeling developments motivated by empirical experimental observation. Offering a unique opportunity for the reader to access recent developments from technical, theoretical, and engineering perspectives, this book is ideal for graduate and postdoctoral researchers in academia as well as experienced researchers in biomedical industries.
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Table of Contents
1. Applications of Porous Media in Biological Transport Modeling
2. Metabolic Consumption of Microorganisms
3. Numerical simulation of deformability cytometry
transport of a biological cell through a micro?uidic channel
4. Modeling age density and mean age distributions of organelles in an axon
Application to neuropeptide transport
5. A Continuum Model of Drug Transport to Multiple?Cell?Type Population
6. Computational investigation of the role of low-density lipoprotein and oxygen transport in atherosclerotic arteries
7. Fluid dynamics and mass transport in lower limb vessels: effects on restenosis
8. Numerical modeling in support of locoregional drug delivery during transarterial therapies for liver cancer
9. Active Gel: a Continuum Physics Perspective
10. Modeling Nasal Spray Droplet Deposition and Translocation in Nasal Airway for Olfactory Delivery
11. Drug delivery and in vivo absorption
12. Modeling the physiological phenomena and the effects of therapy on the dynamics of tumor growth
13. Mathematical models of water transport across ocular epithelial layers
14. Multidimensional modeling of solid tumor proliferation following drug treatment
15. Modeling LDL accumulation within an arterial wall
16. Modeling Transport of Soluble Proteins and Metabolites in the Brain
17. Hybrid dimensional models for mass transport processes
18. Chemical Thermodynamic Principles and Computational Modeling of NOX2-Mediated ROS Production on Cell Membrane
Sid M. Becker Associate Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Canterbury, Christchurch, New Zealand. Sid Becker is an Associate Professor in the Department of Mechanical Engineering at the University of Canterbury. He is an Alexander von Humboldt Fellow and is a recipient of the Royal Society of New Zealand Marsden Grant. He has held academic positions in Germany, the United States, and New Zealand. His research is primarily in computational and analytical modelling of heat and mass transfer processes in biological media. Dr. Becker is also the editor of the book Modeling of Microscale Transport in Biological Processes (2017) and co-editor of the books Heat Transfer and Fluid Flow in Biological Processes (2015), and Transport in Biological Media (2013). Andrey V. Kuznetsov Professor, Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, North Carolina State University, NC, USA. Dr. Kuznetsov is Professor at the Department of Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering at North Carolina State University. He holds a joint professorial position at the University of North Carolina's Biomedical Engineering Department. He is a Fellow of American Society of Mechanical Engineering, an Editorial Board Member of the Proceeding of the Royal Society A, and an Associate Editor of the Journal of Porous Media. He is a recipient of the prestigious Humboldt Research Award. In 2014, Dr. Kuznetsov was elected as a Member of the Scientific Council of the International Center of Heat and Mass Transfer. He has published more than 400 journal papers, 17 book chapters, 3 books, and 100 conference papers. His works have been cited over 12,000 times: he has an h-index of 51 and an i-10 index of over 220. While his most notable early contributions are in the development of the field of porous media, Prof. Kuznetsov's research interests in the general area of numerical modeling are extensive, including transport in living tissues, sub-cellular transport, mass transport in neurons and axons, bioheat transport, bioconvective sedimentation, fluid mechanics, flows in microgravity, and turbulence. Filippo de Monte Professor, Department of Industrial and Information Engineering and Economics, University of L'Aquila, Italy. His research interests include heat and mass transport by diffusion with applications to porous media, inverse heat transfer analysis, thermal properties?estimation, refrigerating machines and Stirling thermal cycle.. Dr. de Monte is a Professor of Mechanical Engineering at University of L'Aquila, Italy. He served as a full-time Visiting Ph.D. student at the Department of Engineering, University of Cambridge, UK, in 1992, and a seasonal Visiting Associate Professor at the Department of Mechanical Engineering, Michigan State University, USA, in 2007 up to 2014. Also, he is a Member of American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) and holds editorial positions at the Journal of Verification, Validation and Uncertainty Quantification (ASME), Mathematical Problems in Engineering and Heat Transfer Engineering (here as guest editor). He was the Chairman of the 10th International Conference on Inverse Problems in Engineering (ICIPE 22), May 15-19, 2022, Francavilla al Mare (Chiet), Italy, and is co-author of the Wiley 2nd Edition book: Inverse Heat Conduction: Ill-Posed Problems (Spring 2023), by Woodbury, Najafi, de Monte and Beck. Giuseppe Pontrelli Research Director, Istituto per le Applicazioni del Calcolo of CNR, Rome, Italy. Giuseppe Pontrelli is a research director at Istituto per le Applicazioni del Calcolo of CNR in Rome. His research interests include applied mathematics, continuum mechanics and numerical analysis with application in biofluid dynamics, physiological flows at micro and nanoscale, mass transport, drug delivery systems. Over the years, he has worked on many research projects and developed, with a multi-disciplinary approach, mathematical models and computational methods for complex systems related to health.?He is the author of over 80 papers in international scientific periodicals and book chapters?and an associate editor of journals focusing on the above themes. Dan Zhao Tenured Faculty, Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Canterbury, New Zealand. Prof. Dan Zhao is the director of Master Engineering Studies at the University of Canterbury, New Zealand.He serves on a number of scientific journals as the chief and associate editors such as AIAA Journal, Journal
of the Royal Society of New Zealand, Aerospace Science and Technology, and Journal of Engineering for Gas
Turbines and Power (ASME). Prof. Zhao has been awarded with the prestigious fellowships from Engineering
New Zealand, European Academy of Sciences and Arts, European Academy of Sciences as well as the ASEAN
Academy of Engineering and Technology. His research expertise and interests include applying theoretical,
numerical, and experimental approaches to study CO2
-free combustion science and technology, fabric drying,
aeroacoustics, thermoacoustics; UAV aerodynamics; propulsion; energy harvesting; and renewable energy and
fuel (ammonia and hydrogen)