This Directory profiles comprehensively the manufacturers and suppliers of Wire, Tube & Cable products worldwide!
The Global Wire, Tube & Cable Directory with its fully cross-referenced 'Buyers Guide' allows searching for a particular product by country. The index allows you can go straight to your contact and company anywhere in the world. The abbreviation section is a handy source for terminology and is particularly useful to those who are new to the industry.
Completely revised, each company has been carefully contacted to ensure you have the most up-to-date information.
- Cables
- Chain Link & Welded Mesh Fences
- Machinery Suppliers
- Tube & Pipe Manufacturers
- Reinforcing Manufacturers
- Spring Manufacturers
- Wire Fabricators
- Wire & Steel Suppliers
- Associated Products
This Directory provides Wire, Tube & Cable professionals with a comprehensive reference guide on the global wire players, from producers to end-users.
Detailed information includes:
- Core data - Full contact details, year established, number of employees, exports markets, end-user industries, and accreditations
- Key personnel - Senior Management for over 2,000 companies
- Products - Capacity and output numbers per product
- Expansion plans - new plants and modernization projects covered
- Finance data - Ownership details, Revenue, Net Profit and Paid-Up Equity Capital
If you need to source a producer and a trader of a wire product in a specific country, or need a list of potential business partners based on plant capacity, you'll find the Global Wire, Tube & Cable Directory indispensable.
The Global Wire, Tube & Cable Directory will help you:
- Pinpoint key executives
- Profile a market
- Build new business prospects
- Generate new customers
- Discover who your competitors are
- Make vital contacts
- Save the time, money and effort of doing your own research
- Identify alternative suppliers and manufacturers
- Source up-to-date company information
- Keep track of key staff movements
- Access a wealth of quality information on companies and key personnel worldwide.
If you're looking for wire - simply use the handy buyer's guide to find the most suitable supplier in seconds. The Global Wire Directory gives up-to-date company information for thousands of producers and traders in the global wire industry. It is a comprehensive reference guide on global wire producers and traders.