The Neurobiology of the Gilles de la Tourette Syndrome and Chronic Tics, Volume Three reviews historical background and current nosology and guidelines. In addition, it includes an overview of pathophysiology, ranging from its genetic basis and changes in neurochemistry and electrophysiology to widespread neural circuits. Specific chapters cover Tourette syndrome from phenomenology and natural history to neurobiology, Update and Recent progress in the Neurobiology of Tourette Syndrome, Current guidelines and nosology of Tourette syndrome, Neuroimaging applications in Tourette's Syndrome, Clinical and neurodevelopmental brain imaging of Tourette syndrome, Altered Structural Connectivity in Gilles de la Tourette Syndrome, and much more.
The last 20?years have seen an exponential growing body of research dedicated to Gilles de la Tourette Syndrome in the understanding of the syndrome's complex genetics and underlying neurobiology. This unprecedented surge in basic and clinical research has resulted in over 3,000 scientific publications.
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Table of Contents
PrefaceMarc E. Lavoie and Andrea E. Cavanna
Section I: Introduction and clinical definition
1. Historical background of the Gilles de la Tourette syndrome
Olivier Walusinski
2. The neurobiology of Gilles de la Tourette syndrome and chronic tics
James F. Leckman
3. Tourette syndrome: Current nosology and guidelines
Andrea E. Cavanna
4. Update and recent progress in the neurobiology of Tourette syndrome
Natalia Szejko
Section II: Neuroimaging and pathophysiology
5. Recent advances in neuroimaging of Tourette syndrome
Nicholas Cothros and Davide Martino
6. Mechanistic insight into the pathophysiological basis of Tourette syndrome
Charlotte L. Rae and Hugo D. Critchley
7. Course of TS from a clinical and neuroimaging perspective
Laura Bogut Andersen, Camilla Groth, Liselotte Skov and Nanette Mol Debes
8. Altered structural connectivity in Gilles de la Tourette syndrome
Yulia Worbe
9. The neural correlates of tic inhibition
Elia Abi-Jaoude and Paul Sandor
Section III: The structure and function of neural circuits: Data from neuroimaging and electrophysiology
10. Somatomotor cortical mapping in Tourette syndrome using neuro-navigated transcranial magnetic stimulation
Caitlin M. Smith, Hilmar P. Sigurdsson, Katherine Dyke, Rosa Sanchez Panchuelo, Susan T. Francis, Georgina M. Jackson and Stephen R. Jackson
11. Control of actions and tics: A psychophysiological perspective
Simon Morand-Beaulieu, Rebecca P. Jordan, Elinor Baldwin, Julia Zhong and Denis G. Sukhodolsky
12.Integrating psychophysiology into cognitive-behavioral treatment for the Gilles de la Tourette syndrome
Marc E. Lavoie, Marie-Ange Perrault and Julie Leclerc
13. The functional neuroimaging of Tourette syndrome and obsessive-compulsive disorder
Tracy Bhikram
14. Co-occurring ADHD symptoms and electrophysiological correlates of cognitive control in Tourette syndrome
Elizabeth Shephard, Madeleine J Groom and Georgina M Jackson