COVID-19 in Alzheimer's Disease and Dementia crucially summarizes the current status of the coronavirus in patients suffering from these conditions, describing why they are a common cause of morbidity among those with COVID-19. The first section includes chapters that provide a general description of COVID-19, including SARS-CoV-2 structure, function, and biology, and its impact on the elderly with chronic conditions include hypertension, diabetes, obesity, kidney disease, respiratory illnesses, and infectious diseases. Also discussed are effects of the virus on the immune system. The second section shifts to the impact of COVID-19 on those with dementia or Alzheimer's disease, with special emphasis on age, gender, ethnic background, and lifestyle. Bringing this focus on neurodegenerative disease in one comprehensive resource, this volume is an essential reference for neuroscientists, clinicians, biomedical scientists, and all others working or interested in the field.
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Table of Contents
List of contributors
Section One: COVID-19
1 COVID-19 and immunity: an overview
Pulak R. Manna, Zachery C. Gray, and P. Hemachandra Reddy
1 Introduction
2 COVID-19: risk factors and pathogenesis
3 COVID-19 variants and their impact on global health tragedy
4 Nutrients and immune health, and their relevance to COVID-19
5 Immunocompromised conditions and COVID-19
6 Diverse measures for preventing COVID-19
7 Potential therapies for the treatment of COVID-19
8 Summary and conclusions
2 Role of oxidative stress in the severity of SARS-COV-2 infection
Sharda P. Singh, Sanjay Awasthi, Ashly Hindle, and Chhanda Bose
1 Oxidative stress and lipid peroxidation
2 Inflammatory stress
3 Quenching lipid peroxidation
4 4-HNE in COVID-19
5 Functions of 4-HNE with possible relevance to COVID-19
3 Immune enhancers for COVID-19
Katherine G. Holder, Bernardo Galvan, Pulak R. Manna, Zachery C. Gray, and P. Hemachandra Reddy
1 Introduction
2 Immune enhancementdsupplements
3 Immune enhancersddiet, herbs, and spices
4 Conclusion
4 Diabetes mellitus in relation to COVID-19
Bhagavathi Ramasubramanian, Jonathan Kopel, Madison Hanson, and Cameron Griffith
1 Introduction
2 Type 1 diabetes and type 2 diabetes
3 Biomarkers and risk factors in COVID-19-infected patients
4 Entry of SARS-CoV-2 into the host
5 Complications of diabetes during COVID-19 infection
6 Treatment and management of diabetes during COVID-19 infection
7 The effect of lockdowns on diabetes and obesity
8 Lifestyle and diet during COVID-19 pandemic
9 Conclusion
5 Food bioactive compounds, sources, and their effectiveness during COVID-19
Giridhar Goudar, Munikumar Manne, Jangampalli Adi Pradeepkiran, and Subodh Kumar
1 Introduction
2 COVID-19 and food safety
3 Bioactive compounds
4 Foods containing bioactive compounds helpful during COVID-19 infection
5 Mechanistic activity of bioactive compounds helpful for COVID-19
6 Conclusion
6 MicroRNAs and COVID-19
Prashanth Gowda, Vivek Kumar, Ashish Sarangi, Jangampalli Adi Pradeepkiran, P. Hemachandra Reddy, and Subodh Kumar
1 Introduction
2 MicroRNAs as biomarkers for COVID-19
3 Molecular basis of microRNAs in COVID-19 infection
4 MicroRNAs as therapeutic for COVID-19
5 Conclusion
7 Mechanisms and implications of COVID-19 transport into neural tissue
Katherine G. Holder, Bernardo Galvan, and Alec Giakas
1 Introduction
2 Viruses and neurological damage
3 SARS-CoV-2 virulence and neurologic invasion
4 Conclusion
Further reading
8 Immunogenetic landscape of COVID-19 infections related neurological complications
Balakrishnan Karuppiah, Rathika Chinniah, Sasiharan Pandi, Vandit Sevak, Padma Malini Ravi, and Dhinakaran Thadakanathan
1 Introduction
2 HLA immunogenetic variations
3 HLA immunogenetics and COVID-19
4 HLA associations in COVID-19 induced neurological disorders
5 Conclusions
9 Impact of COVID-19 on ischemic stroke condition
Tochi Eboh, Hallie Morton, P. Hemachandra Reddy, and Murali Vijayan
1 Introduction
2 Coronavirus and SARS CoV-2
3 Epidemiology of stroke and COVID-19
4 Mechanism of stroke in COVID-19
5 Thrombosis
6 Cytokine storm
7 Endothelium disruption
8 Tissue factor and extrinsic coagulation pathway
9 Treatment of acute ischemic stroke in COVID-19
10 Anesthesia for mechanical thrombectomy
11 Clinical characteristics of patients with COVID-19 and stroke
12 Major challenges of managing stroke during COVID-19 situation
13 Conclusion and future directions
10 The psychiatric effects of COVID-19 in the elderly
Ashish Sarangi and Subodh Kumar
1 Introduction
2 Elderly isolation during COVID-19
3 Elderly health care during COVID-19
4 COVID-19-associated psychiatric disorders
5 Management of psychiatric disorders related to COVID-19
6 Pharmacological agents
7 Conclusion
Section Two: Alzheimer's disease and dementia during COVID-19
11 Blood brain barrier disruption following COVID-19 infection and neurological manifestations
Sonam Deshwal, Neha Dhiman, and Rajat Sandhir
1 Introduction
2 Structure and function of BBB
3 Mechanisms of SARS-CoV-2 entry into the brain
4 BBB disruption
5 Hypoxia
6 Clotting and thrombosis
7 Neurological consequences of disrupted BBB post-SARS-CoV-2 infection
8 Treatment to prevent BBB disruption following SARS-CoV-2 infection
9 Conclusions
12 The effects of lifestyle in Alzheimer's disease during the COVID-19 pandemic
Sparsh Ray, Sonia Y. Khan, Shazma Khan, Kiran Ali, Zachery C. Gray, Pulak R. Manna, and P. Hemachandra Reddy
1 Introduction
2 Exercise
3 Diet
4 Social interaction
5 Nursing homes
6 Conclusion
13 Dementia and COVID-19: An African American focused study
Shyam Sheladia, Shivam Sheladia, Rishi Virani, and P. Hemachandra Reddy
1 Introduction
2 Dementia/COVID-19
3 Unmodifiable risk factors
4 Modifiable risk factors
5 Age-related chronic diseases
6 Environmental risk factors
7 Concluding remarks
Further reading
14 Dementia and COVID-19: A Hispanic focused study
Shyam Sheladia, Shivam Sheladia, Rishi Virani, and P. Hemachandra Reddy
1 Introduction
2 Dementia/COVID-19
3 Unmodifiable risk factors
4 Modifiable risk factors
5 Age-related chronic diseases
6 Environmental factors
7 Concluding remarks
15 Women and Alzheimer's disease risk: a focus on gender
Emma Schindler and P. Hemachandra Reddy
1 Introduction
2 Education
3 Employment
4 Race
5 Sexual and gender identity
6 Exercise
7 Depression
8 Caregiver burden
9 COVID-19 pandemic
10 Conclusion
16 Women and Alzheimer's disease: a focus on sex
Emma Schindler and P. Hemachandra Reddy
1 Introduction
2 Clinical presentation
3 Disease progression
4 Neuropathology
5 Genetics
6 Endogenous estrogen exposure
7 Exogenous estrogen exposure
8 Pregnancy
9 Vascular risk
10 Pharmacology
11 COVID-19 pandemic
12 Conclusion
17 Effect of COVID-19 on Alzheimer's and dementia measured through ocular indications
Harrison Marsh, Stephen Rossettie and Albin John
1 Introduction
2 Ocular indications for early screening of Alzheimer's disease
3 Methods of visualizing the retina
4 Ophthalmology during COVID-19
5 Conclusion
18 Surgical and nonsurgical interventions for Alzheimer's disease
P. Hemachandra Reddy and Albin John
1 Introduction
2 Invasive brain stimulation
3 Non-invasive brain stimulation procedures
4 Conclusion
P. Hemachandra Reddy PhD, Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center, Texas, USAFellow of American Association for the Advancement of Science, 2020
Fellow of American Neurological Association, 2014
Professor and Vice Chair of Basic and Translational Research Internal Medicine, and adjunct Professor of Neuroscience/Pharmacology, Neurology and Public Health. Dr. Reddy is a tenured Professor and Vice Chair of Basic and Translational Research for the Department of Internal Medicine at Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center. He is also a Professor of Neuroscience/Pharmacology, Neurology, Public Health and Speech, and Language and Hearing Departments. His research lab has been involved with research on healthy aging, dementia, and other neurodegenerative diseases, including Huntington's, Parkinson's, and multiple sclerosis. In addition, the Reddy lab group is actively working on chronic conditions such as diabetes, obesity, cardiovascular, kidney, stroke, vascular dementia, and other factors associated with dementia. Dr. Reddy is a prolific writer, author, or co-author of more than 237 peer-reviewed articles/chapters/reviews, including publications in such journals as Nature Genetics, Ageing Research Reviews, Redox Biology, Trends in Neurosciences, Trends in Molecular Medicine, Drug Discovery Today, Human Molecular Genetics, and BBA Molecular Basis of Disease. He has received research funding from the National Institutes of Health since 2002. He also serves as Chief Scientific Officer for the Lubbock-based small business company, abSynapTEX, LLC. Albin John MBA, MD candidate, Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center, Texas, USA. Albin John is a fourth-year MD candidate at Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center in Lubbock; he completed his undergraduate degree at Duke University where he graduated with Honors in Neuroscience. He has published over 14 articles in high impact factor journals with extensive editorial experience, and his previous research experience in Parkinson's disease focused on using optogenetics to selectively excite GABAergic and glutamatergic neurons in the pedunculopontine nucleus to observe changes in motor behavior. His areas of interest include Neuroscience, Neurology, and Neurosurgery with a primary focus on spine pathology and advancements in surgical technique, Parkinson's disease, and Alzheimer's disease.