The book presents the proceedings of the XXV National Congress of the Italian Association of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics (Palermo, September 2022).
The topics cover theoretical, computational, experimental, and technical-applicative aspects. Chapters: Fluid Mechanics, Solid Mechanics, Structural Mechanics, Mechanics of Machine, Computational Mechanics, Biomechanics, Masonry Modelling, and Analysis, Dynamical Systems in Civil and Mechanical Structures, Control and Experimental Dynamics, Mechanical Modelling of Metamaterials and Periodic Structures, Novel Stochastic Dynamics, Signal Processing Techniques for Civil Engineering Applications, Vibration-based Monitoring and Dynamic Identification of Historic Constructions, Modeling and Analysis of Nanocomposites and Small-Scale Structures, Gradient Flows in Mechanics and Continuum Physics, Multibody Systems Vibration Analysis, Mechanics of Renewable Energy Systems, Mathematical Modeling and Experimental Techniques for Quantification and Prediction of Fluid Dynamic Noise, and Advanced Process Mechanics.
Table of Contents
1. A novel one-domain approach for free fluid-porous medium transport simulation - preliminary results
Costanza Aricò, Martin Schneider, Tullio Tucciarelli, Rainer Helmig
2. Mechanical properties of cables made with helically wound carbon-nanotube fibers for advanced structural applications
Giovanni Migliaccio, Reginald DesRoches, Gianni Royer-Carfagni
3. A variational model for plastic reorientation in fibrous material: numerical experiments on phase segregation
Andrea Rodella, Antonino Favata, Stefano Vidoli
4. A coupled thermo-mechanical and neutron diffusion numerical model for irradiated concrete
Finite Element Method, Neutron Diffusion, Irradiated Concrete, Coupled Problem
5. Fracturing process in an anisotropic layered geomaterial: theoretical and computational predictions
Martina Rinaldi, Marco Trullo, Francesco Tornabene, Rossana Dimitri
6. A 3D visco-elasto-plasto damage constitutive model of concrete under long-term effects
Beaudin Freinrich Dongmo, Gianluca Mazzucco, Beatrice Pomaro, Jiangkun Zhang, Carmelo Majorana, Valentina Salomoni
7. A multiscale model for anisotropic damage and hysteresis in biodegradable polymers
Vitucci Gennaro, De Tommasi Domenico, Di Stefano Salvatore, Puglisi Giuseppe, Trentadue Francesco
8. Multiscale approach to decohesion in cell-matrix systems
Salvatore Di Stefano, Ariel Ramirez-Torres, Luca Bellino, Vincenzo Fazio, Gennaro Vitucci, Giuseppe Florio
9. One century of theoretical and applied mechanics of concrete and stone materials permeability. What have we learned?
Michela Monaco, Roberto Serpieri
10. Supercontraction of spider silks as a humidity-driven phase transition
Vincenzo FAZIO, Giuseppe FLORIO, Nicola Maria PUGNO, Giuseppe PUGLISI
11. Rate-dependent response of axonal microtubules and tau proteins under shear forces
Luca Bellino, Giuseppe Florio, Alain Goriely, Giuseppe Puglisi
12. A moving cohesive interface model for brittle fracture propagation
Umberto De Maio, Fabrizio Greco, Paolo Lonetti, Paolo Nevone Blasi, Andrea Pranno
13. A fractional-order theory of phase transformation in presence of anomalous heat transfer
Gianmarco Nuzzo, Fabiana Amiri, Salvatore Russotto, Emanuela Bologna, Massimiliano Zingales