Printed deck includes perforated guides for cutting each page into four cards:�image on front, answers and concise text on back.�Prepunched�holes are perfect for looping on a ring or keychain for study anytime, anywhere.�
Microscopic features of cells, tissues, and organs are clearly depicted with�classic Netter anatomy illustrations and extensive additional images�including histology slides and light and electron micrographs.�
More basic principles, clinical correlations, and histopathology content�prepares you for commonly tested topics on board exams.�
Master the histology knowledge you need to know by using these flash cards in conjunction with�Netter's Essential Histology, 3rd Edition, also by Drs. Ovalle and�Nahirney. The�cards are cross referenced to the text,�making it easy to find more in-depth information on any topic.��
Enhanced eBook version included with purchase.�Your enhanced eBook allows you to access�all of�the text, figures, and references from the book on a variety of devices.�
Histology & Cytology Market by Type of Examination, Product, Test Type, End-user - Global Forecast 2025-2030
- Report
- 192 Pages
- Global