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Distribution System Planning. Evolution of Methodologies and Digital Tools for Energy Transition. Edition No. 1

  • Book

  • 496 Pages
  • April 2023
  • John Wiley and Sons Ltd
  • ID: 5838999

Distribution systems drive energy and societal transition. System planning enables investments to be made in the right place, at the right time and with the right technology.

Distribution System Planning is centered on the evolution of planning methods that will best support this transition, and describes the historical context and concepts that enable planning, its challenges and key influencing factors to be grasped. It also analyzes the impact of the development of renewable and decentralized energy resources, government recommendations and distributor initiatives to promote their integration.

Through the use of case studies, this book provides examples of how planning methodologies have evolved, as well as an overview of new and emerging solutions.

Table of Contents

Foreword xi
Nouredine HADJSAID and Pierre MALLET

List of Notations xv

List of Acronyms xxiii

Introduction xxxv

Chapter 1 Power Systems 1

1.1 Electricity: an essential and complex product 1

1.2 History of industrial power systems 4

1.2.1 Discovery of direct current and the design of the first generators 4

1.2.2 Birth of the first power systems: public lighting systems 5

1.2.3 The expansion of AC 6

1.2.4 The revival of DC 7

1.2.5 Development of power systems 8

1.2.6 The frequency choice for power systems 11

1.2.7 Choosing voltage levels for power systems 14

1.2.8 Structuring the power system 16

1.3 Technical description of the power system 20

1.3.1 The three-phase system 20

1.3.2 Connection mode for components of the power system 27

1.3.3 Electrotechnical imperfections of power systems 29

1.4 Distribution systems 37

1.4.1 HV/MV primary substations 37

1.4.2 MV/LV distribution substations 41

1.5 Opening of the energy markets: appearance of new players 49

1.5.1 Market deregulation versus technical regulation 49

1.5.2 Historical players in the power system 49

1.5.3 Market models around the world 52

1.5.4 Additional players in deregulated systems 57

1.5.5 Example of the European model 58

1.6 Roles of consumers and producers 64

1.6.1 Development of distributed energy resources based on renewable energies 64

1.6.2 Change in the status of the consumer: the “prosumer” 70

1.6.3 Distributed energy resources 72

1.7 Conclusion 73

1.8 References 73

Chapter 2 Principles of Power Distribution System Planning 81

2.1 Methods of power distribution system planning 81

2.1.1 Definition 81

2.1.2 The different time scales in planning 84

2.1.3 France’s power distribution system planning 86

2.1.4 Indicators used in planning and the solutions commonly employed to meet them 92

2.1.5 Planning options 108

2.1.6 Application of techno-economic formulas on simple examples 109

2.2 Typical architectures of non-distributed neutral distribution systems (European system) 119

2.2.1 MV system architectures 120

2.2.2 LV system architectures 134

2.3 Typical architectures of distributed neutral systems (North American system) 135

2.3.1 MV system architectures 136

2.3.2 LV system architectures 140

2.3.3 Comparison of architectures 144

2.4 Other architectures encountered in the world 144

2.4.1. Multi-divided and multi-connected structure (Japan and China) 144

2.4.2 Loop and sub-loop system (Madrid, Berlin and China) 145

2.4.3 Two voltage levels, two types of distribution systems (Singapore) 146

2.4.4 Secured feeder and spot network (Indonesia, Malaysia) 147

2.4.5 United Arab Emirates 148

2.5 Conclusion 149

2.6 References 150

Chapter 3 Integration of Distributed Energy Resources in Distribution System Planning 155

3.1 Introduction 155

3.2 Impact of distributed energy resources on the planning methods of distribution power systems 156

3.2.1 Problems brought about by the appearance of DERs 156

3.2.2 A need for an advanced planning tool that integrates DERs 160

3.2.3 Government policy recommendations on the evolution of distribution system planning methods 162

3.2.4 Transitioning to planning with DERs 165

3.3 Phase 1: traditional “fit and forget” planning 168

3.3.1 Allocation of DER connection costs 169

3.3.2 Estimated hosting capacity of the distribution system 171

3.3.3 Locational Net Benefit Analysis 173

3.3.4 Distribution Investment Deferral Framework 175

3.4 Phase 2: planning with DERs 181

3.4.1 List of possible insertion solutions 181

3.4.2 Planning without flexibility markets 183

3.4.3 Planning with flexibility markets 189

3.5 Conclusion 195

3.6 References 196

Chapter 4 Planning Case Studies 201

4.1 Introduction 201

4.2 State of the art of distribution systems with DERs 205

4.2.1 New diagnostic criteria for distribution systems 205

4.2.2 General principle for estimating the maximum DER power without imposing constraints on the system 206

4.2.3 Decision support tools under uncertainty based on the Monte Carlo method 209

4.3 Dense urban interconnected systems 217

4.3.1 Structural solution: topological optimization of electrical distribution systems 217

4.3.2 Case study 3: non-wire alternatives 243

4.4 Rural interconnected systems 262

4.4.1 Case study 4: NWA to integrate DERs into LV rural distribution systems 262

4.4.2. Case study 5: using storage to defer investments in LV systems 275

4.5 Off-grid systems 280

4.5.1 Case study 6: rural electrification - Cambodia 280

4.5.2 Case study 7: high cost, difficult access areas - Australia 290

4.6 Conclusion 292

4.7 References 293

Chapter 5 Mathematical Tools for Planning 295

5.1 Introduction 295

5.2 Inputting data for the planning problem 295

5.2.1 Preliminary definitions 295

5.2.2 Technical and economic data 300

5.2.3 Structure of the initial electrical system 302

5.2.4 Topological data 305

5.2.5 Definition of sizing situations 310

5.3. Planning: a multi-objective optimization problem under constraints 312

5.3.1 Decision-making variables 312

5.3.2 Definition of the multi-objective function to be optimized 319

5.3.3 Defining constraints 322

5.3.4 Load distribution calculation 329

5.4 Algorithms for optimizing the planning of distribution systems 340

5.4.1 Analysis of the optimization problem 340

5.4.2 Breakdown of sub-problems to be optimized 344

5.4.3 Summary of optimization methods used in planning 346

5.4.4 Integration of uncertainties in planning 351

5.5 Conclusion 354

5.6 References 354

Chapter 6 Mathematical Tools for Planning: Application to Case Studies 357

6.1 Introduction 357

6.2 Master-slave decomposition method with a feedback loop and use of metaheuristics: case study no 1 360

6.3 Greedy decomposition method 365

6.3.1 Heuristics: case study no 2a 365

6.3.2 Brute-force search: case study no 2b 371

6.4 Linear programming 373

6.4.1. Consumption curtailment (demand response): case study no. 3a 373

6.4.2 Phase balancing problem - integer linear programming: case study no 6 378

6.5 Nonlinear programming 379

6.5.1 Storage to remove system constraints: case study no 5 379

6.5.2 Placement and sizing of storage and production units: case study no 6 382

6.6 Integration of uncertainties 383

6.6.1 Monte Carlo method applied to the calculation of the DER HC and the technical and economic interest of flexibilities 383

6.6.2 Probabilistic method applied to the technical and economic interests of flexibilities: case study no 3b 391

6.7 Conclusion 398

6.8 References 399

Chapter 7 New Trends and Challenges 401

7.1 Introduction 401

7.2 New architectures and new products 402

7.2.1 A new set of values 402

7.2.2 New objects: virtualization of assets, case of the virtual lines of the Ringo Project 407

7.2.3 Renewed interest for direct current 408

7.2.4 New multi-objective systemic approaches 417

7.3 Integrated planning tools 418

7.3.1 Why integrate? 418

7.3.2 The challenges of data 420

7.3.3 Including control in planning models 422

7.3.4 The challenge of skills 423

7.4 New economic actors and new business models 424

7.4.1 Diversity of actors 424

7.4.2 Diversity of topics 425

7.4.3 Diversity of business models 426

7.5 Conclusion 427

7.6 References 427

Conclusion 433

Index 437


Marie-Cecile Alvarez-Herault Grenoble INP, France. Victor Gouin Roseau Technologies, France. Trinidad Chardin-Segui Schneider Electric, France. Alain Malot Schneider Electric, France. Jonathan Coignard Lancey Energy Storage, G2Elab, France. Bertrand Raison University Grenoble Alpes, France. Jerome Coulet Ense3, Grenoble INP, France.