This book primarily fulfils the content needs of Applied Microbiology and Infection Control Practices for Third Semester of B.Sc. Nursing students. Further, the book contains contents that help the nurses in profession to hone their microbiology knowledge used in their day-to-day practice. It contains all the updated vital aspects of infection control practices and the details of various infections suggested by WHO. The book provides the nursing interventions in the various areas of applied microbiology that will help them to sharpen their nursing skills.
. All microbiology information needed for the undergraduate nursing students put in a systematic manner.
. Concepts explained in lucid language for easy understanding by nursing students.
. Content presented as bulleted lists for quick grasp of the subject matter.
. Appropriate WHO guidelines and latest recommendations of infection control practices included.
. Multicolour photographs, illustrations are used to explain complex microbiology concepts.
. Content is completely based on the revised INC Syllabus with focus on Applied Microbiology
. The content has been divided into two sections. Part A covers Applied Microbiology and Part B covers Infection Control & Safety
. New! Content related to Infection Control and Safety has been added as a separate section.
. New! Role of Infection Control Nurse in prevention of Healthcare-associated Infections (HAIs) has been added.
. New! 7 new chapters have been added to this edition namely:
? Clinical Specimen Collection Techniques
? Healthcare-associated Infections (HAIs)
? Isolation Precautions and Other Infection Control Practices (Infection control practices including hand hygiene)
? Patient Safety Indicators
? International Patient Safety Goals (IPSG)
? Clinical Safety Protocol
? Hospital Employee Safety Indicators (HESI)
Table of Contents
Part A: Applied MicrobiologySection 1: General Microbiology
1. Introduction to Microbiology
2. Morphology and Physiology of Bacteria
3. Culture Media
4. Culture Methods
5. Laboratory Methods in Identification of Microorganisms
Section 2: Medical Bacteriology
6. Gram Positive Cocci
7. Gram Negative Cocci
8. Gram Positive Bacilli
9. Gram Negative Bacilli
10. Mycobacteria
11. Spirochaetes
12. Actnomycetes and Nonsporing Anaerobes
13. Miscellaneous Bacteria
Section 3: Medical Virology
14. General Properties of Viruses
15. DNA Viruses
16. RNA Viruses
17. Hepatitis Viruses
18. Arboviruses
19. Oncogenic Viruses, Slow Viruses and Prions and Miscellaneous Viruses
20. Human Immunodeficiency Virus
Section 4: Medical Mycology
21. Basic Mycology
22. Fungi Causing Human Diseases
Section 5: Medical Parasitology
23. Protozoans
24. Helminths
25. Laboratory Identification of Parasites
Section 6: Immunology
26. Immunity, Antigen and Antibody
27. Antigen-Antibody Reactions
28. Hypersensitivity Reactions
29. Immunisation Schedule and Vaccines
Section 7: Laboratory Methods
30. Clinical Specimen Collection Techniques
31. Laboratory Diagnosis of Infectious Diseases
Part B: Infection Control & Safety
Section 1: Infection Control
32. Infection
33. Healthcare Acquired Infection
34. Isolation Precautions and Other Infection Control Practices
35. Sterilisation and Disinfection
36. Biomedical Waste Management
37. Antimicrobial Resistance and Antimicrobial Stewardship
Section 2: Safety
38. Patient Safety Indicators
39. International Patient Safety Goals
40. Clinical Safety Protocol
41. Hospital Employee Safety Indicators
I DR. KANNANDr. I Kannan is an Associate Professor and Exam evaluator of Microbiology for Nursing, BDS as well as Medicine at Tagore Medical College, Tamil Nadu Dr. M.G.R. Medical University, Chennai. In 25 years of teaching experience including 1 year teaching expecience of Microbiology to Post Graduates in Singapore, he has gained competency of being question paper setter for PG - Microbiology at university level and has been Chairman of Board of studies and Board of Examiner for Microbiology at Madras Christian College.
He has contributed several articles in national and international journals, and has presented several papers and posters in national and international conferences. He also has won PGIBMS best paper award from Indian Association of Biomedical Scientists in the XVI Annual conferences of Indian Association of biomedical scientists, 1993 conducted in Stanley Medical College, Chennai, India. Dr. Kannan has published a book on " Immunology" with M.J.P Publishers, India in 2007.