Energy Efficiency of Modern Power and Energy Systems introduces students and researchers to a broad range of power system management challenges, technologies, and solutions. This book examines the critical intersection of energy efficiency, power quality, and renewable energy integration. It primarily emphasizes applications, with each chapter outlining the problem’s fundamental structure to provide a basic understanding of the approaches discussed.
Providing meticulously researched literature reviews for guiding deeper reading, this book leads readers from contextual understanding to specific case studies and solutions for sustainable power systems.
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Table of Contents
1. Introductory chapter: effects of power quality problems on energy efficiency of power systems2. Energy transition in Ecuador, a proposal to improve the growth of renewable energy and storage systems in a developing country
3. Network reconfiguration to allocate open points in distribution networks using soft computing
4. Harmonics suppression in polluted renewable isolated/grid-connected microgrids
5. Modelling, analysis, and improvement of energy consumption in data centres via demand side management
6. Recent maximum power point tracking methods for wind energy conversion system
7. Energy saving of isolated microgrids comprising proton exchange membrane fuel cells stacks feeding variable loads based on artificial intelligence-based approaches
8. Design of energy-efficient power transformers by considering nonlinear loads
9. Parametric simulation approach for performance analysis of the power electronics circuits
10. Evaluating the impact of active analysis tool in specific design oriented power electronics teaching: the SRMIST experience
11. Voltage regulation in distribution networks with high penetration of distributed photovoltaic systems
12. Role of hydrogen in emerging low carbon energy systems
13. Sizing and feasibility analysis of a self-governing hybrid electric vehicle charging system
14. Low voltage ride through enhancement in interconnected system through center of inertia approach
15. Fundamentals of energy efficiency to management renewable energy sources in electrical grids
16. Cost implications of energy efficiency in renewable energy systems
17. Modeling transformer operations under dc bias
18. Grid connected converters in power grids systems: a systematic review on impacts and challenges
19. Behavioral analysis of Central American power market during pandemics and natural disasters
20. Modeling, integration, and simulation of the 300 MW photovoltaic power plant in the Saudi Arabia transmission network considering low-voltage ride-through capability
Shady H E Abdel Aleem Associate Professor, Department of Electrical Engineering, Institute of Aviation Engineering and Technology, Giza, Egypt.Shady Abdel Aleem is an Associate Professor at the Department of Electrical Engineering, Institute of Aviation Engineering and Technology, Giza, Egypt. He is the Vice Dean for Education and Student Affairs. Also, he is a consultant of power quality studies in ETA Electric Company, Egypt. His research interests include harmonic problems in power systems, power quality, renewable energy, smart grid, energy efficiency, optimization, green energy, and economics. Dr. Shady is the author or co-author of many refereed journals and conference papers. He has published 200 plus journal and conference papers, 25 plus book chapters, and 12 edited books with the Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET), Elsevier, Springer, CRC Press, and InTech. He was awarded Egypt's State Encouragement Award in Engineering Sciences in 2017. He was also awarded the Medal of Distinction from the first class of the Egyptian State Award in 2020 from Egypt. Dr. Shady is a senior member of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE). He is an Editor/Guest Editor/Associate Editor for the International Journal of Renewable Energy Technology, Vehicle Dynamics, Turkish Journal of Engineering Research and Education, IET Journal of Engineering, Energies, Sustainability, Technology and Economics of Smart Grids and Sustainable Energy, and Others.
Murat Erhan Balci Professor, Electrical and Electronics Engineering Department, Balikesir University, Turkey. Murat Erhan Balci is currently a Professor in the Electrical and Electronics Engineering Department of Balikesir University, T�rkiye, where he has worked since 2009. Prior to this in 2008, he was a visiting scholar at Worcester Polytechnic Institute, USA. He was also the Manager of Renewable Energy Research and Development Center at Balikesir University and served as the General Manager of Balikesir Technopark Co., Turkey. His research interests include electrical machines, power electronics, power quality, energy efficiency, power system analysis, renewable energy and hybrid or fully electric vehicles/ships/aircrafts. He is the author or co-author of many refereed journal and conference papers. He has published 80+ journal and conference papers, 3 book chapters, and an edited book. He is an Editor-in-Chief for the Turkish Journal of Engineering Research and Education, and a member of the Advisory Board for the Journal of Balikesir University Science and Technology. Muhyaddin Jamal Hosin Rawa Associate Professor, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, King Abdulaziz University, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia.Muhyaddin Jamal Hosin Rawa received a PhD in electrical and electronic engineering from the University of Nottingham in 2014. He has more than 7 years of experience in the Saudi Electricity Company, and currently, he is an Associate Professor with the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at King Abdulaziz University, where he is the deputy director of the Center of Research Excellence in Renewable Energy and Power Systems. He is actively involved in industrial consultancy for major corporations in power systems projects. His research interests include power quality, renewable energy and smart grids. Dr. Muhyaddin has published 155+ journal and conference papers, 17 US Patents and 5 book chapters.