Must-have resource for all future Enrolled Nurses
Tabbner’s Nursing Care is the main resource for Diploma of Nursing students and instructors. This well-established and highly respected book provides the knowledge and skills learners need to qualify as Enrolled Nurses.
Written by a highly qualified team of editors and contributors, the book equips the learner to provide safe, competent and person-centred care. It teaches and prepares learners to apply critical and reflective thinking to decision-making, use healthcare technology and work as part of a healthcare team in a variety of settings.
Complete with an accompanying workbook and a host of features to support and facilitate teaching and learning, Tabbner’s Nursing Care is the ideal contemporary, evidenced-based resource to develop competent and safe Enrolled Nurses of the future.
Reflects the current context and scope of practice for Enrolled Nurses
Takes a person-centred care approach and supports learners to become safe and competent Enrolled Nurses
Builds clinical reasoning, critical thinking and problem-solving skills
Full-colour content to support teaching and learning
Includes Nursing Care Plans, Critical Thinking Exercises, Case Studies, Progress Notes, Decision-Making Framework Exercises, Clinical Skills with rationales and Review Exercises
New to this edition
New skills covering:
- Removal of a drain tube
- Urinary catheterisation (male)
- Focused pain assessment
- Care of the person after death -
Content covering health informatics and technology, LGBTQIA+ representation and COVID-19
New chapter on readiness for practice
Instructor resources on Evolve:
Answer guides for Case Studies, Critical Thinking Exercises, Decision-Making Framework Exercises, Review Questions
Clinical Cases case studies
Clinical Skills videos
Image collection
PowerPoint slides
Test bank
Learner and instructor resources on Evolve:
Answer guides for Case Studies, Critical Thinking Exercises, Decision-Making Framework Exercises, Review Questions
Clinical Cases case studies
Clinical Skills videos
Table of Contents
Unit 1: The Evolution of the Nursing Profession1. Nursing: The Evolution of a Profession
2. Legal and Ethical Frameworks
3. Nursing Research and Evidence-Based Practice
Unit 2: Professional Practice in the Contemporary Environment
4. Australia’s Healthcare Delivery System
5. Understanding and Promoting Health
Unit 3: Critical Thinking and Reflective Practice
6. Critical Thinking, Problem-Based Learning, and Reflective Practice
7. Nursing Process
8. Documentation, Health Informatics, and Technology
9. Quality and Safety in Healthcare
10. Communication and Clinical Handover
11. Models of Nursing Care, Management, and Leadership
12. Readiness for Practice
Unit 4: Health Beliefs, Cultural Diversity, and Safety
13. Cultural Competence and Safety
14. Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health and Principles of Cultural Safety
Unit 5: Health Assessment
15. Health Assessment Frameworks: Initial and Ongoing
16. Vital Sign Assessment
17. Admission, Transfer, and Discharge Processes
Unit 6: Basic Healthcare Needs
18. Infection Prevention and Control
19. Foundations of Care: Personal Care and Comfort
20. Administration and Monitoring of Medications and Intravenous Therapy
Unit 7: Nursing Care Throughout the Lifespan
21. Nursing Care Across the Lifespan: Conception to Late
22. Late Childhood to Younger Adulthood
23. Early Adulthood to Older Adulthood
24. Older Adult
Unit 8: Health Promotion and Psychosocial and Physiological Nursing Care
25. Cardiovascular and Respiratory
26. Fluid and Electrolyte Homeostasis
27. Rest and Sleep
28. Movement and Exercise
29. Maintaining and Promoting Skin Integrity and Wound Care
30. Nutrition
31. Urinary Health
32. Bowel Health
33. Pain
34. Nursing Assessment and Management of Sensory Health
34. Nursing Assessment and Management of Neurological Health
36. Nursing Assessment and Management of Endocrine Health
37. Nursing Assessment and Management of Reproductive Health
Unit 9: Specialized Nursing Practice
38. Palliative Care
29. Mental Health and Mental Health Conditions
40. Nursing Care in Rehabilitation
41. Nursing Care: Chronic Illness and Disability
42. Acute and Perioperative Care
43. Emergency Care
44. Nursing Care: Maternal and Newborn
45. Community, Rural, and Remote