With a focus on the extrapolation of bioengineering tools in the domain of vesicular carriers, stimuli-responsive features concerning tumors, drug delivery approaches, and associated challenges, it helps readers to define the major gaps in knowledge that can lead to significant scientific discoveries in therapy, diagnosis, and theragnosis of cancer.
Table of Contents
1. Anomalous tumor microenvironment: exploitable features for drug delivery2. Vesicular carriers for stimuli-responsive drug delivery to tumors: design considerations
3. Role of dePEGylation in vesicular carriers mediated stimuli-responsive drug delivery to tumors
4. pH-responsive vesicular carriers as promising tools for tumor targeting
5. Enzyme-responsive vesicular carriers as an emerging approach for tumor targeting
6. Redox-responsive vesicular carriers for potential tumor-targeting applications
7. Hypoxia-responsive vesicular carriers for enhanced tumor targeting
8. Magnetically responsive and thermo-responsive vesicular carriers for improved drug delivery to tumors
9. Cancer Therapy with Vesicular Drug Delivery System and Ultrasound Assistance
10. Light-triggered vesicular carriers for tumor targeting
11. Electro- and Mechano-responsive vesicular carriers targeting tumors
12. Emerging applications of stimuli-responsive novel vesicular carriers: Exosomes, supramolecular vesicles, and catanionic vesicles
13. Vesicular carriers with multipronged features for diagnostics and theranostics
14. Nanotoxicity and challenges in stimuli-responsive vesicular carriers targeting tumor
15. Patents, clinical trials, and regulatory concerns with stimuli-responsive vesicular carriers.
Ankit Jain Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Irma Lerma Rangel School of Pharmacy, Texas A&M University, Kingsville, Texas, USA. Dr. Ankit Jain is currently working as a Postdoctoral Research Associate at Texas A&M University School of Pharmacy, Texas. He completed his B. Pharm. (2006-09), M. Pharm. (Pharmaceutics, 2009-11), and Ph.D. (2012-17). Dr. Jain has been exploring different vesicular carriers viz. liposomes, niosomes, and micelles for the last eleven years. He has earmarked an appreciation for his outstanding performance in academics. He has been conferred with the "MP Young Scientist Award- 2017�. He has published 60 International publications in journals of high repute (Citations = 2500+, h-index = 21, and I10-index = 55) along with 25 book chapters in International Books. He is a reviewer and editorial board member of different renowned journals of international publishers An overarching goal of his current research is the development of nano-engineered drug delivery systems for various diseases with a prime focus on cancer Nishit Mody Department of Pharmaceutical Science, Dr. Hari Singh Gour University, Sagar, Madhya Pradesh, India. Dr. Nishi Mody is presently working as a Guest Lecturer in the Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Dr. Harisingh Gour University, Sagar (M.P). She possesses a Gold Medal in B. Pharm. and M. Pharm and was awarded DST-INSPIRE for her Ph.D. She has a good number of publications (22) published in peer-reviewed International Journals with high impact factors (Biotechnology Advances, Nanomedicine, etc.) and many book chapters (23) in international books. She has been awarded many prestigious awards including M.P. Young Scientist Award-2020, the Pharmaceutical Science Alumni Award consecutively for two years (2007 and 2008), Prof. C. S. Chauhan Gold Medal (2009), IDMA J.B. Mody Award (2009) and Nagarjuna Award (2011) for her excellent academic performance in U.G. and P.G. programs... Her area of research is focused on nanofabrications of polymeric and vesicular systems for cancer treatment with recent advances in the state-of-art of her domain Srinath Palakurthi Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Irma Lerma Rangel School of Pharmacy, Texas A&M University, Kingsville, Texas, USA.Prof. Srinath Palakurthi is a Professor at Irma Lerma Rangel School of Pharmacy at Texas A&M University, Kingsville, Texas. He has a strong background in drug delivery and pharmacokinetics with expertise in particulate and vesicular carrier systems for targeted drug and gene delivery applications. His research group has been working on different targeted drug delivery systems for cancer with a focus on combination therapy. He is the recipient of many prestigious awards including President's Excellence Research Fund, Texas A& M University (2018), Academic Research Fellow, American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy (AACP) (2015), Governor's 2010 Initiative (2005-2010), Research Centres Program, SD (2010), Governor's 2010 Individual Research Seed Grant, SD (2005). Professor Palakurthi has a good number of publications in journals of high international repute.