Phosphonate Chemistry: Technology and Applications gathers important information on the synthetic aspects of phosphonic acids, metal phosphonate hybrid materials, phosphonates as scale inhibitors, phosphonates as corrosion inhibitors, catalytic properties of metal phosphonates, magnetic and optical properties of metal phosphonates, phosphonates as drugs for calcium-related disorders, metal-bisphosphonates as controlled release systems, metal phosphonates for energy applications, gas capture and storage, imaging applications, electrocatalytic transformations, water splitting, sensing applications, for photodynamic applications, and several others.
This comprehensive book includes crucial bibliographic information and covers the latest developments of the past decade. Expanding its thematic scope significantly, it explores the world of organic phosphonate compounds, surpassing conventional boundaries. This exploration includes diverse applications derived from these compounds, enhancing the reader's grasp of this dynamic and evolving field.
This comprehensive book includes crucial bibliographic information and covers the latest developments of the past decade. Expanding its thematic scope significantly, it explores the world of organic phosphonate compounds, surpassing conventional boundaries. This exploration includes diverse applications derived from these compounds, enhancing the reader's grasp of this dynamic and evolving field.
Table of Contents
Part I: The organic synthetic chemistry of phosphonic acids and phosphonatesI.1. Synthesis of phosphonate-based scale inhibitors for oilfield scale management.
Mohamed Mady (Qatar University, Qatar)
I.2. Synthesis of heterocyclic phosphonic acids.
Elpiniki Chachlaki and Konstantinos D. Demadis (University of Crete, Greece)
I.3. Synthesis of (poly)phosphonic acids: An industrial Perspective.
Stephan Liebsch (Zschimmer & Schwarz Mohsdorf, Germany)
I.4. Synthesis of phosphonates for pharmaceutical applications.
Gy�rgy Keglevich (Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Hungary)
I.5. Fluorescent phosphonates for water treatment applications.
Konstantin Popov (JSC “Fine Chemicals R&D Centre”, Russian Federation)
I.6. Efficient syntheses of N-heterocylic, homocyclic and aliphatic dronic acids
(Nader Noroozi Pesyan, Urmia University, Iran)
I.7. Phosphonate and phosphinate chelators for imaging applications.
Petr Hermann (Charles University, Czech Republic)
I.8. Phosphonate-based conjugates.
Petri Turhanen (University of Eastern Finland, Finland)
Part II. Synthetic, structural and computational chemistry of phosphonates and metal phosphonates
II.1. Metal phosphonate materials containing co-ligands.
Jiri Pinkas (Masaryk University, Czech Republic)
II.2. Structural chemistry of metal-triphosphonate materials.
Feodor Chausov (Ural Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences, Russian Federation)
II.3. Metal-phosphonate-derived electrocatalysts.
Rosario Colodrero (University of Malaga)
II.4. Metal phosphonates as supports for gold nanoparticles.
Monica Pica (University of Perugia, Italy)
II.5. Porous and functional metal phosphonate frameworks.
Tao Zheng (Northwestern Polytechnical University, China)
II.6. Functional metal phosphonates from rigid phosphonic acids.
Jean-Michel Rueff (�cole Nationale Sup�rieure d' Ing�nieurs de Caen, France)
II.7. Mechanochemical synthesis of metal phosphonates.
Franziska Emmerling (Bundesanstalt f�r Materialforschung und -pr�fung, Germany)
II.8. Polyoxometallates with Phosphonate Linkers.
Xikui Fang (Harbin Institute of Technology, China)
II.9. Lanthanide phosphonate chemistry and applications.
Filipe Almeida Paz (University of Aveiro)
II.10. Alkaline-earth metal phosphonate chemistry.
Antonia Neels (Swiss Federal Laboratories for Materials Science and Technology, Switzerland)
II.11. QSAR studies and molecular docking of phosphonates as COVID-19 inhibitors.
Khodayar Gholivand (Tarbiat Modares University, Iran)
Part III. Phosphonate-based materials for medicinal, pharmaceutical, and related applications
III.1. Alendronate-decorated strontium-containing bioactive glass nanoparticles with dual osteogenic and anti-osteoclastic effects for osteoporosis.
Zhaoying Wu (Sun Yat-sen University, China)
III.2. Clodronate: an anti-osteolytic drug.
Eugene McCloskey (University of Sheffield, United Kingdom)
III.3. Phosphonic acids in biology and biochemistry.
Pawel Kafarski (Wroclaw University of Science and Technology, Poland)
III.4. Stimuli-responsive metal phosphonates.
Norbert Stock (Christian-Albrechts-University, Germany)
III.5. Metal phosphonate frameworks as optical sensors.
Fl�vio Figueira (University of Aveiro, Portugal)
III.6. Metal phosphonates for photodynamic applications.
Kaplan Kiracki (Czech Academy of Sciences, Czech Republic)
III.7. Metal phosphonates with antibacterial properties.
Riccardo Vivani (University of Perugia, Italy)
III.8. The contribution of phosphonate chemistry to PET and related techniques.
Clara Vinas Teixidor (Universiat Aut�noma de Barcelona, Spain)
III.9. Health promoting strategies based on phosphonates.
Susana Braga (University of Aveiro, Portugal)
III.10. The chemistry and biology of anti-osteolytic phosphonates and metal phosphonates.
Vilmal� L�pez-Mej�as (University of Puerto Rico, Puerto Rico)
III.11. Amphiphilic phosphonates for cell transfection.
Paul-Alain Jaffr�s (University of Brest, France)
III.12. Biologically coupled bisphosphonate chaperones.
Charles E. McKenna (University of Southern California, USA)
III.13. Synthesis and Anticancer Activity of Phosphinoylated and Phosphonoylated Heterocycles.
Konstantin Karaghiosoff (Ludwig-Maximilians-University, Germany)
III.14. Phosphonate Natural Products and their Biosynthetic Pathways.
William W. Metcalf (University of Illinois, USA)
III.15. Phosphonates as antiviral agents.
Erik De Clercq (KU Leuven, Belgium)
Part IV. Phosphonates for industrial and environmental applications
IV.1. Scale and deposit dissolution mediated by phosphonic acids.
Chen Wu (Harbin University of Science and Technology, China)
IV.2. The role of phosphonate chemistry in engine coolant applications.
Georgia Skordalou and Konstantinos D. Demadis (University of Crete, Greece)
IV.3. Phosphonate-based scale inhibitors in geothermal applications.
Michaela Kamaratou and Konstantinos D. Demadis (University of Crete, Greece)
IV.4. Metal phosphonates in electrochemical oxidation degradation applications.
Nicoleta Plesu (Institute of Chemistry, Romanian Academy, Romania)
IV.5. Green Alternative Approaches to the Synthesis of Metal Organic Frameworks.
Aurelia Visa (Institute of Chemistry, Romanian Academy, Romania)
IV.6. Phosphonates as kinetic hydrate inhibitors for oilfield applications.
Malcolm Kelland (University of Stavanger, Norway)
IV.7. Metal phosphonates for separation applications.
Sheng Hu (China Academy of Engineering Physics, China)
IV.8. Metal phosphonates for CO2 capture and fixation.
Marco Taddei (University of Pisa, Italy)
IV.9. Porous metal phosphonates catalysts for biorefinery applications.
Wouter Marchal (Hassel University, Belgium)
IV.10. Phosphonic acid inhibitors for oilfield scale.
Ping Zhang (University Macau, China)
IV.11. Metal phosphonates for organic transformations.
Joao Rocha (University of Aveiro, Portugal)
IV.12. Glyphosate exposure and toxicology.
Stephen O. Duke (University of Mississippi, USA)
IV.13. The Environmental Fate of Natural and Anthropogenic Phosphonates.
Alessio Peracchi (University of Parma, Italy)
Part V. Metal phosphonate materials for energy, magnetic, optical, and catalytic applications
V.1. Metal phosphonate coordination polymers as supercapacitors.
Qi Liu (Changzhou University, China)
V.2. Metal phosphonates in catalysis.
Ritambhara Jangir (Sardar Vallabhbhai National Institute of Technology, India)
V.3. Proton conducting metal phosphonates.
George Shimizu (University of Calgary, Canada)
V.4. Proton conductivity of zirconium phosphates and phosphonates.
Anna Donnadio (University of Perugia, Italy)
V.5. Metal phosphonates as supports for nanoparticles and relevant applications.
Morena Nocchetti (University of Perugia, Italy)
V.6. Electrocatalytic properties of phosphonate-derived materials
(University of Malaga, Spain)
V.7. Conducting metal phosphonates.
G�ndog Y�cesan (University of Dusseldorf, Germany)
V.8. Materials based on phosphonate esters.
Ramaswamy Murugavel (Indian Institute of Technology, India)
V.9. Chiral metal phosphonates.
Li-Min Zheng (Nanjing University, China)
V.10. Synthesis and catalytic performance of mesoporous metal phosphonates.
Vera Meynen (University of Antwerp, Belgium)
V.11. Metal phosphonates for water splitting.
Patricia Horcajada (IMDEA Energy, Spain)
Konstantinos D. Demadis Department of Chemistry, University of Crete, Heraklion, Greece.Kostas Demadis was born in Komotini (Thrace, Northern Greece) in 1967. He received his Bachelors Degree from the University of Athens, Greece in 1990 and his Ph.D. in Chemistry at the University of Michigan, USA in 1995. His Ph.D. theme was in bioinorganic chemistry (structural and functional modeling of the active site of nitrogenase enzyme). He then moved to the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill (UNC) for post-doctoral, working on the intricacies of Osmium chemistry. In 1998, he was hired by Nalco Chemical Company as a Senior Chemist in their Research & Development Division, switching research gears and "entering? the water treatment world.
In 2003 Kostas started his appointment as Assistant Professor in the Department of Chemistry, University of Crete, in his homeland Greece. He created the Crystal Engineering, Growth & Design Laboratory. Kostas is currently Professor of Chemistry.
Kostas' research group is interested in a number of projects. Metal phosphonate chemistry (synthesis, characterization and application of metal phosphonate materials), functional hybrid materials, silicon chemistry (modeling of biosilicification mechanisms), water treatment issues (mineral scale inhibition, corrosion control, metal ion absorption), controlled release of active ingredients (in particular phosphonate-based drugs), green chemistry.
Professor Demadis has published over 130 papers in peer reviewed journals, 16 chapters in books, three edited books, and is the inventor of two patents. He has delivered over 50 invited talks and over 100 conference presentations. For more information, see