Kombucha: Technology, Traceability, and Health-Promoting Effects covers both conventional and unconventional sources for the development of kombucha analogues, along with their sensory, functional, and nutritional aspects. Topics include process conditions, their escalation and impact on the chemical composition, the biochemistry to produce scoby, and the functionality of the drinks. Regulatory aspects in different countries, as well as myths and realities of kombucha’s bioactivities, are also covered. Users will find a great resource that also documents the probiotic potential of this popular drink, highlighting metabiotics, nutribiotics, and the pharmabiotics present.
This book will serve as a valuable resource for researchers in food science and beverage science, especially those interested in fermentation.
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Table of Contents
I.??? KOMBUCHA PROCESSING (CONVENTIONAL SOURCE)1. The biochemistry behind SCOBY and kombucha tea production
2. Step-by-step guidance on key procedures / processes
3. Traditional and innovative processing of kombucha
4. Kombucha technology
Scaling up
Traditional scaling up
5. Artificial intelligence
II.??? NON-CONVENTIONAL SOURCES (kombucha analogues)
6. Conventional and non-conventional sources
7. Kombucha analogues: their quality characteristics
8. Chemical composition of kombucha analogues and their influence on sensory acceptability
9. The metagenome of the kombucha microbiome
11. Kombucha probiotics (metabiotics, nutribiotics y pharmabiotics)
12. Health claims (myths or facts)
13. Biological potential of constituents of kombucha
14. Studies related to gastrointestinal health and modulation of gut microbiota
15. Relationship of the consumption of kombucha and its analogues in immune responses
16. Kombucha and heart diseases
17. Kombucha and metabolic syndrome
18. Kombucha toxicology
19. Regulatory aspects of fermented beverages with the artisanal kombucha consortium
Nuria Elizabeth Rocha-Guzm�n Research-Professor, Chemical and Biochemical Engineering Department, TecNM/ITD, Mexico. Dra. Nuria Elizabeth Rocha-Guzm�n (NERG) is a member of the Mexican System of Researchers (SNI) Level III and the Mexican Academy of Sciences. She is a Research-Professor at the Chemical and Biochemical Engineering Department in TecNM/ITD and a founding faculty professor of the M.Sc. in Science and Technology in Functional Foods Graduate Program, as well as a Founder of the Ethics Committee in Research of TecNM / I.T. Durango. She is also a faculty member of the Graduate Doctoral Program in Biochemical Engineering and is responsible for the Research lab in Functional Foods of the Graduate and Research Unit at TecNM-ITD, where she leads research projects on Functional Foods and plant bioactives. Particularly, she is interested in molecular and cellular mechanisms activated after exposure to active constituents from diet and its metabolic derivatives. She has directed more than 30 master's theses and 8 doctoral theses. She has been responsible for more than 24 successful research proposals, is author in more than a hundred publications, and has over 2200 citations. Rub�n Francisco Gonz�lez-Laredo Rub�n Francisco Gonz�lez-Laredo (RFGL) is native from Durango, Mexico. During more than 30 years of his professional career, has combined academic-scientific activities with administration and directive duties. This experience includes more than 20 courses on Chemistry, Engineering, and Research Methods, topics taught at undergraduate and graduate levels; and directing theDurango State Council of Science and Technology, COCyTED (2001-2005). In the last twenty years has focused more on his scientific endeavor as a Research Professor at TecNM/ITD, becoming reflected in more than 150 publications and research products, generating over 2100 citations, an h-index of 27 (Scopus), and according to Google Scholar Citations, about 4200 cites. Jos� Alberto Gallegos-Infante Department of Chemical and Biochemical Engineering of TecNM/ITD, Mexico. Dr. Jos� Alberto Gallegos Infante (JAGI) is a member of the National System of Researchers (Level III) and a member of the Mexican Academy of Sciences. JAGI has been a professor-researcher in the Department of Chemical and Biochemical Engineering of TecNM/ITD since 2000 and a founding member of the basic academic nucleus (NAB) of the M.Sc. in Science and Technology of Functional Foods. Currently, he is a member of the multidisciplinary research group on Functional Foods and Nutraceuticals. JAGI is Head of the Natural Products Chemistry Laboratory of the Postgraduate, Research and Technological Development Unit. JAGI has been responsible for 22 funded proposals, is the author of more than 100 articles in indexed journals, has supervised 30 master's theses and 12 doctoral theses. As June of 2022, he has 4306 citations. Martha Roc�o Moreno-Jim�nez Tecnol�gico Nacional de Mexico-Instituto Tecnol�gico de Durango (TecNM/ITD), Mexico. Dr. Martha Roc�o Moreno-Jim�nez (MRMJ) is member of the Mexican Researchers System (SNI-level I). She is full time research-professor in the Chemical and Biochemical Engineering Department at the Tecnol�gico Nacional de Mexico-Instituto Tecnol�gico de Durango (TecNM/ITD) since 2012. MRMJ is a faculty member of the Master Science Program in Functional Foods and the Doctoral Program in Biochemical Engineering as well. Currently, she is member of the academic multidisciplinary group in Functional Foods and Nutraceuticals. MRMJ is responsible for the lab on Experimental Biology in the Graduate and Research Unit (UPIDET) at TecNM-ITD. Her present research interests are associated with the study of functional foods and bioactive ingredients, with their effect on the impact of Biomarkers related to chronic degenerative diseases in in vitro and in vivo models, as well as studies on the impact in the microbiota. She has written ten successful funded proposals, and is the author of 25 publications; has directed 18 master's theses and 2 doctoral theses.