This study looks closely at how college and university assessment offices are evaluating educational results at their institutions. It gives detailed operational data on assessment office salaries, budgets and priorities, as well as comprehensive information on use of standardized tests for writing, mathematics, library and technology skills, use of rubrics and curriculum maps and much more. The study also covers use of and impact of generative artificial intelligence on assessment efforts, with data on extent of use of ChatGPT, Gemini and other programs.
The study also presents exhaustive data and commentary on use of special preparatory and competency based courses, as well as the role of faculty and other academic and administrative departments in the assessment effort. In open ended questions, survey participants discuss their main issues, challenges and successes.
Just a few of this 134-page report’s many findings are that:
- About 54% of respondents noted that rubric usage was either “Pervasive and required” (19.05%) or “Pervasive but not required” (34.92%).
- Survey respondents in the largest colleges in the sample reported using ChatGPT a mean of nearly 2.5 hours in the past week.
- About 39% of private colleges in the sample accepted placement test results from previously attended colleges of transfer students.
- 25% of chief assessment officer of colleges with fewer than 3,2000 students earned more than $135,000 annually.
The data is based on responses from 63 colleges and universities; data is broken out by size, type, public/private status and tuition level of the institutions, to enable easier benchmarking.
Table of Contents
- Characteristics of the sample
- Use of Curriculum Mapping
- Use of Rubrics
- Enrolment-Based Trends: Use of Rubrics
- Tuition-Based Trends: Use of Rubrics
- Carnegie Class and College Type Trends: Use of Rubrics
- Public vs. Private Institutions: Use of Rubrics
- Encouragement and Stimulation of Course Rubric Development
- Existence of Office or Department Dedicated to Student Assessment
- Assessment Office Staffing Trends
- Summary of Salary Ranges for Highest Ranking Assessment Officers
- Trends in the Annual Budgets for Assessment Offices
- Course Management Systems in Use
- Summary of the Importance of Embedded Features in Course Management Systems for Assessment
- Summary of Use of Standardized Testing of Students in Writing and Composition
- Use of Standardized Testing in Information Literacy Skills
- Use of Standardized Testing in Computer/Info Technology Skills
- Use of Standardized Testing in Mathematics
- Use of Various Forms of Standardized Testing Broken Out By Various Criteria
- Summary of Acceptance Rates of Standardized Placement Tests Taken at Other Institutions by Transfer Students
- Summary of Data on Frequency of Opting Out of First Year English Courses
- Summary of Confidence Level in Preparatory Classes for Students to Meet Initial Core Requirements
- Summary of Use of Student Focus Groups in Assessment
- Instructive Use of Focus Groups for Student Assessment
- Focus group topics varied widely, but a common theme was addressing student experiences and institutional practices. Community colleges often focused on general education reforms and strategic planning, while four-year colleges explored student services, course-specific feedback, and general education assessment. MA or PhD-granting institutions used focus groups to gather program-level feedback and student satisfaction, with research universities delving into assessment practices and barriers to success for underserved students. One research university highlighted their focus on understanding "unseen barriers to success for underserved students," which aligns with broader trends in higher education towards inclusivity and equity. Use of Competency-Based Courses and Learning Outcomes
- Summary of Faculty Role in Developing Assessment Vehicles
- Summary of Faculty Views on Assessment Efforts
- Summary of Coordination of Campus Functions (Advising, Tutoring, Counseling, Placement, and Assessment)
- Summary of Impact of Assessment Efforts on Curriculum
- Summary of Use of Subject Benchmarks to Assess Year-to-Year Progress
- Assessment Efforts Revealing Student or Program Deficiencies
- Institutional Role Models in Assessment Practices
- Summary of Pressure from Stakeholders to Improve Student Assessment Tools and Performance
- Summary of Perception of Growth in Pressure to Improve Assessment and Student Performance Over the Past Two Years
- Summary of the Perception of the Value in the Use of Generative Artificial Intelligence in Assessment Programs
- Use of Generative Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Assessment
- Summary of Time Spent Using Various AI Applications in the Past Week
- Summary of Incidence of Paid Subscriptions to AI Applications
Table 1.2 How common is the use of curriculum mapping by academic departments at your institution? Broken out by enrollment
Table 1.3 How common is the use of curriculum mapping by academic departments at your institution? Broken out by tuition
Table 1.4 How common is the use of curriculum mapping by academic departments at your institution? Broken out by type of college or Carnegie Class
Table 1.5 How common is the use of curriculum mapping by academic departments at your institution? Broken out by public or private college
Table 2.1 How common is the use of rubrics, clear and transparent standards of grading and student evaluation, by instructors at your institution?
Table 2.2 How common is the use of rubrics, clear and transparent standards of grading and student evaluation, by instructors at your institution? Broken out by enrollment
Table 2.3 How common is the use of rubrics, clear and transparent standards of grading and student evaluation, by instructors at your institution? Broken out by tuition
Table 2.4 How common is the use of rubrics, clear and transparent standards of grading and student evaluation, by instructors at your institution? Broken out by type of college or Carnegie Class
Table 2.5 How common is the use of rubrics, clear and transparent standards of grading and student evaluation, by instructors at your institution? Broken out by public or private college
How has your institution encouraged and stimulated the development of course rubrics?
Table 3.1 Does the college have an office of assessment or similar office or department that primarily devotes itself to assessment? Choose the phrase that best summarizes your college's position.
Table 3.2 Does the college have an office of assessment or similar office or department that primarily devotes itself to assessment? Choose the phrase that best summarizes your college's position. Broken out by enrollment
Table 3.3 Does the college have an office of assessment or similar office or department that primarily devotes itself to assessment? Choose the phrase that best summarizes your college's position. Broken out by tuition
Table 3.4 Does the college have an office of assessment or similar office or department that primarily devotes itself to assessment? Choose the phrase that best summarizes your college's position. Broken out by type of college or Carnegie Class
Table 3.5 Does the college have an office of assessment or similar office or department that primarily devotes itself to assessment? Choose the phrase that best summarizes your college's position. Broken out by public or private college
Table 4.1 In FTE terms, how many employees are in the college’s office of assessment, or similar office that is primarily devoted to this function?
Table 4.2 In FTE terms, how many employees are in the college’s office of assessment, or similar office that is primarily devoted to this function? Broken out by enrollment
Table 4.3 In FTE terms, how many employees are in the college’s office of assessment, or similar office that is primarily devoted to this function? Broken out by tuition
Table 4.4 In FTE terms, how many employees are in the college’s office of assessment, or similar office that is primarily devoted to this function? Broken out by type of college or Carnegie Class
Table 4.5 In FTE terms, how many employees are in the college’s office of assessment, or similar office that is primarily devoted to this function? Broken out by public or private college
Table 5.1 Please choose an annual salary range for the highest ranking assessment officer at your institution
Table 5.2 Please choose an annual salary range for the highest ranking assessment officer at your institution: Broken out by enrollment
Table 5.3 Please choose an annual salary range for the highest ranking assessment officer at your institution: Broken out by tuition
Table 5.4 Please choose an annual salary range for the highest ranking assessment officer at your institution: Broken out by type of college or Carnegie Class
Table 5.5 Please choose an annual salary range for the highest ranking assessment officer at your institution: Broken out by public or private college
Table 6.1 What is the annual budget of the assessment office, including salaries and overhead? (in USD)
Table 6.2 What is the annual budget of the assessment office, including salaries and overhead? (in USD) Broken out by enrollment
Table 6.3 What is the annual budget of the assessment office, including salaries and overhead? (in USD) Broken out by tuition
Table 6.4 What is the annual budget of the assessment office, including salaries and overhead? (in USD) Broken out by type of college or Carnegie Class
Table 6.5 What is the annual budget of the assessment office, including salaries and overhead? (in USD) Broken out by public or private college
Which course management systems is in most common use at your institution?
Table 7.1 How important are the use of embedded features of your institutional course management system in the management of assessment at your institution?
Table 7.2 How important are the use of embedded features of your institutional course management system in the management of assessment at your institution? Broken out by enrollment
Table 7.3 How important are the use of embedded features of your institutional course management system in the management of assessment at your institution? Broken out by tuition
Table 7.4 How important are the use of embedded features of your institutional course management system in the management of assessment at your institution? Broken out by type of college or Carnegie Class
Table 7.5 How important are the use of embedded features of your institutional course management system in the management of assessment at your institution? Broken out by public or private college
Table 8 Does the college offer a standardized test to all students (except for those that might have qualified to not take a basic course) in any of the following areas: (check all that apply)
Table 8.1.1 Does the college offer a standardized test to all students (except for those that might have qualified to not take a basic course) in any of the following areas: English Writing and Composition
Table 8.1.2 Does the college offer a standardized test to all students (except for those that might have qualified to not take a basic course) in any of the following areas: English Writing and Composition Broken out by enrollment
Table 8.1.3 Does the college offer a standardized test to all students (except for those that might have qualified to not take a basic course) in any of the following areas: English Writing and Composition Broken out by tuition
Table 8.1.4 Does the college offer a standardized test to all students (except for those that might have qualified to not take a basic course) in any of the following areas: English Writing and Composition Broken out by type of college or Carnegie Class
Table 8.1.5 Does the college offer a standardized test to all students (except for those that might have qualified to not take a basic course) in any of the following areas: English Writing and Composition Broken out by public or private college
Table 8.2.1 Does the college offer a standardized test to all students (except for those that might have qualified to not take a basic course) in any of the following areas: Library Services/Information Literacy
Table 8.2.2 Does the college offer a standardized test to all students (except for those that might have qualified to not take a basic course) in any of the following areas: Library Services/Information Literacy Broken out by enrollment
Table 8.2.3 Does the college offer a standardized test to all students (except for those that might have qualified to not take a basic course) in any of the following areas: Library Services/Information Literacy Broken out by tuition
Table 8.2.4 Does the college offer a standardized test to all students (except for those that might have qualified to not take a basic course) in any of the following areas: Library Services/Information Literacy Broken out by type of college or Carnegie Class
Table 8.2.5 Does the college offer a standardized test to all students (except for those that might have qualified to not take a basic course) in any of the following areas: Library Services/Information Literacy Broken out by public or private college
Table 8.3.1 Does the college offer a standardized test to all students (except for those that might have qualified to not take a basic course) in any of the following areas: Computer/Technology Literacy
Table 8.3.2 Does the college offer a standardized test to all students (except for those that might have qualified to not take a basic course) in any of the following areas: Computer/Technology Literacy Broken out by enrollment
Table 8.3.3 Does the college offer a standardized test to all students (except for those that might have qualified to not take a basic course) in any of the following areas: Computer/Technology Literacy Broken out by tuition
Table 8.3.4 Does the college offer a standardized test to all students (except for those that might have qualified to not take a basic course) in any of the following areas: Computer/Technology Literacy Broken out by type of college or Carnegie Class
Table 8.3.5 Does the college offer a standardized test to all students (except for those that might have qualified to not take a basic course) in any of the following areas: Computer/Technology Literacy Broken out by public or private college
Table 8.4.1 Does the college offer a standardized test to all students (except for those that might have qualified to not take a basic course) in any of the following areas: Mathematics
Table 8.4.2 Does the college offer a standardized test to all students (except for those that might have qualified to not take a basic course) in any of the following areas: Mathematics Broken out by enrollment
Table 8.4.3 Does the college offer a standardized test to all students (except for those that might have qualified to not take a basic course) in any of the following areas: Mathematics Broken out by tuition
Table 8.4.4 Does the college offer a standardized test to all students (except for those that might have qualified to not take a basic course) in any of the following areas: Mathematics Broken out by type of college or Carnegie Class
Table 8.4.5 Does the college offer a standardized test to all students (except for those that might have qualified to not take a basic course) in any of the following areas: Mathematics Broken out by public or private college
Table 9.1 For transfer students to the college, does the college generally accept the results of standardized placement tests taken at prior institutions?
Table 9.2 For transfer students to the college, does the college generally accept the results of standardized placement tests taken at prior institutions? Broken out by enrollment
Table 9.3 For transfer students to the college, does the college generally accept the results of standardized placement tests taken at prior institutions? Broken out by tuition
Table 9.4 For transfer students to the college, does the college generally accept the results of standardized placement tests taken at prior institutions? Broken out by type of college or Carnegie Class
Table 9.5 For transfer students to the college, does the college generally accept the results of standardized placement tests taken at prior institutions? Broken out by public or private college
Table 10.1 Approximately what percentage of incoming freshmen at your institution test out of or otherwise qualify for opting out of the basic freshman or other first year English writing course? if none put in "0".
Table 10.2 Approximately what percentage of incoming freshmen at your institution test out of or otherwise qualify for opting out of the basic freshman or other first year English writing course? If none put in "0". Broken out by enrollment
Table 10.3 Approximately what percentage of incoming freshmen at your institution test out of or otherwise qualify for opting out of the basic freshman or other first year English writing course? if none put in "0". Broken out by tuition
Table 10.4 Approximately what percentage of incoming freshmen at your institution test out of or otherwise qualify for opting out of the basic freshman or other first year English writing course? if none put in "0". Broken out by type of college or Carnegie Class
Table 10.5 Approximately what percentage of incoming freshmen at your institution test out of or otherwise qualify for opting out of the basic freshman or other first year English writing course? if none put in "0". Broken out by public or private college
Table 11.1 How confident are you in the effectiveness of preparatory classes at your institution for students who do not immediately meet requirements in math, English or other core subjects?
Table 11.2 How confident are you in the effectiveness of preparatory classes at your institution for students who do not immediately meet requirements in math, English or other core subjects? Broken out by enrollment
Table 11.3 How confident are you in the effectiveness of preparatory classes at your institution for students who do not immediately meet requirements in math, English or other core subjects? Broken out by tuition
Table 11.4 How confident are you in the effectiveness of preparatory classes at your institution for students who do not immediately meet requirements in math, English or other core subjects? Broken out by type of college or Carnegie Class
Table 11.5 How confident are you in the effectiveness of preparatory classes at your institution for students who do not immediately meet requirements in math, English or other core subjects? Broken out by public or private college
Table 12.1 About how often do you use student focus groups in your assessment efforts?
Table 12.2 About how often do you use student focus groups in your assessment efforts? Broken out by enrollment
Table 12.3 About how often do you use student focus groups in your assessment efforts? Broken out by tuition
Table 12.4 About how often do you use student focus groups in your assessment efforts? Broken out by type of college or Carnegie Class
Table 12.5 About how often do you use student focus groups in your assessment efforts? Broken out by public or private college
What were the topics and goals of some of the more instructive focus groups that you have held over the past two years?
How has the college deployed competency-based courses to improve its learning outcomes and assessment efforts? Such courses generally use various forms of standardized tests that students can take periodically to demonstrate competence.
Table 13.1 Which phrase best describes your college faculty's role in developing the college's assessment vehicles?
Table 13.2 Which phrase best describes your college faculty's role in developing the college's assessment vehicles? Broken out by enrollment
Table 13.3 Which phrase best describes your college faculty's role in developing the college's assessment vehicles? Broken out by tuition
Table 13.4 Which phrase best describes your college faculty's role in developing the college's assessment vehicles? Broken out by type of college or Carnegie Class
Table 13.5 Which phrase best describes your college faculty's role in developing the college's assessment vehicles? Broken out by public or private college
Table 14.1 Which phrase best describes how your college's faculty views the assessment efforts of the college administration.
Table 14.2 Which phrase best describes how your college's faculty views the assessment efforts of the college administration. Broken out by enrollment
Table 14.3 Which phrase best describes how your college's faculty views the assessment efforts of the college administration. Broken out by tuition
Table 14.4 Which phrase best describes how your college's faculty views the assessment efforts of the college administration. Broken out by type of college or Carnegie Class
Table 14.5 Which phrase best describes how your college's faculty views the assessment efforts of the college administration. Broken out by public or private college
Table 15.1 How well coordinated are these functions on your campus: advising, tutoring, counseling, placement and assessment?
Table 15.2 How well coordinated are these functions on your campus: advising, tutoring, counseling, placement and assessment? Broken out by enrollment
Table 15.3 How well coordinated are these functions on your campus: advising, tutoring, counseling, placement and assessment? Broken out by tuition
Table 15.4 How well coordinated are these functions on your campus: advising, tutoring, counseling, placement and assessment? Broken out by type of college or Carnegie Class
Table 15.5 How well coordinated are these functions on your campus: advising, tutoring, counseling, placement and assessment? Broken out by public or private college
Table 16.1 Assessment efforts at your institution have
Table 16.2 Assessment efforts at your institution have: Broken out by enrollment
Table 16.3 Assessment efforts at your institution have: Broken out by tuition
Table 16.4 Assessment efforts at your institution have: Broken out by type of college or Carnegie Class
Table 16.5 Assessment efforts at your institution have: Broken out by public or private college
Table 17.1 Does the college have means or subject benchmarks to test the progress of various academic departments in particular disciplines to assess year to year progress in achieving student outcomes? Please comment if appropriate.
Table 17.2 Does the college have means or subject benchmarks to test the progress of various academic departments in particular disciplines to assess year to year progress in achieving student outcomes? Please comment if appropriate. Broken out by enrollment
Table 17.3 Does the college have means or subject benchmarks to test the progress of various academic departments in particular disciplines to assess year to year progress in achieving student outcomes? Please comment if appropriate. Broken out by tuition
Table 17.4 Does the college have means or subject benchmarks to test the progress of various academic departments in particular disciplines to assess year to year progress in achieving student outcomes? Please comment if appropriate. Broken out by type of college or Carnegie Class
Table 17.5 Does the college have means or subject benchmarks to test the progress of various academic departments in particular disciplines to assess year to year progress in achieving student outcomes? Please comment if appropriate. Broken out by public or private college
Provide some examples of instances when assessment procedures revealed student or program deficiencies, how those deficiencies were addressed, and what were the results?
Which colleges do you feel have particularly good assessment practices and can serve as role models for others? What do you like about what they do?
Table 18.1 How much pressure from stakeholders such as boards of director, state governments, donors and benefactors, administrators and others is your school under to improve student assessment tools and student performance
Table 18.2 How much pressure from stakeholders such as boards of director, state governments, donors and benefactors, administrators and others is your school under to improve student assessment tools and student performance Broken out by enrollment
Table 18.3 How much pressure from stakeholders such as boards of director, state governments, donors and benefactors, administrators and others is your school under to improve student assessment tools and student performance Broken out by tuition
Table 18.4 How much pressure from stakeholders such as boards of director, state governments, donors and benefactors, administrators and others is your school under to improve student assessment tools and student performance Broken out by type of college or Carnegie Class
Table 18.5 How much pressure from stakeholders such as boards of director, state governments, donors and benefactors, administrators and others is your school under to improve student assessment tools and student performance Broken out by public or private college
Table 19.1 Over the past two years how much has pressure grown, or not, to improve assessment and student performance?
Table 19.2 Over the past two years how much has pressure grown, or not, to improve assessment and student performance? Broken out by enrollment
Table 19.3 Over the past two years how much has pressure grown, or not, to improve assessment and student performance? Broken out by tuition
Table 19.4 Over the past two years how much has pressure grown, or not, to improve assessment and student performance? Broken out by type of college or Carnegie Class
Table 19.5 Over the past two years how much has pressure grown, or not, to improve assessment and student performance? Broken out by public or private college
Table 20.1 How valuable have artificial intelligence applications been to your assessment program?
Table 20.2 How valuable have artificial intelligence applications been to your assessment program? Broken out by enrollment
Table 20.3 How valuable have artificial intelligence applications been to your assessment program? Broken out by tuition
Table 20.4 How valuable have artificial intelligence applications been to your assessment program? Broken out by type of college or Carnegie Class
Table 20.5 How valuable have artificial intelligence applications been to your assessment program? Broken out by public or private college
Exactly how has generative artificial intelligence proved valuable?
Table 21 How many minutes in the past week have you spent using each of the following applications?
Table 21.1.1 How many minutes in the past week have you spent using each of the following applications? Bard/Gemini
Table 21.1.2 How many minutes in the past week have you spent using each of the following applications? Bard/Gemini Broken out by enrollment
Table 21.1.3 How many minutes in the past week have you spent using each of the following applications? Bard/Gemini Broken out by tuition
Table 21.1.4 How many minutes in the past week have you spent using each of the following applications? Bard/Gemini Broken out by type of college or Carnegie Class
Table 21.1.5 How many minutes in the past week have you spent using each of the following applications? Bard/Gemini Broken out by public or private college
Table 21.2.1 How many minutes in the past week have you spent using each of the following applications? ChatGPT
Table 21.2.2 How many minutes in the past week have you spent using each of the following applications? ChatGPT Broken out by enrollment
Table 21.2.3 How many minutes in the past week have you spent using each of the following applications? ChatGPT Broken out by tuition
Table 21.2.4 How many minutes in the past week have you spent using each of the following applications? ChatGPT Broken out by type of college or Carnegie Class
Table 21.2.5 How many minutes in the past week have you spent using each of the following applications? ChatGPT Broken out by public or private college
Table 21.3.1 How many minutes in the past week have you spent using each of the following applications? AI enabled Bing
Table 21.3.2 How many minutes in the past week have you spent using each of the following applications? AI enabled Bing Broken out by enrollment
Table 21.3.3 How many minutes in the past week have you spent using each of the following applications? AI enabled Bing Broken out by tuition
Table 21.3.4 How many minutes in the past week have you spent using each of the following applications? AI enabled Bing Broken out by type of college or Carnegie Class
Table 21.3.5 How many minutes in the past week have you spent using each of the following applications? AI enabled Bing Broken out by public or private college
Table 21.4.1 How many minutes in the past week have you spent using each of the following applications? Claude
Table 21.4.2 How many minutes in the past week have you spent using each of the following applications? Claude Broken out by enrollment
Table 21.4.3 How many minutes in the past week have you spent using each of the following applications? Claude Broken out by tuition
Table 21.4.4 How many minutes in the past week have you spent using each of the following applications? Claude Broken out by type of college or Carnegie Class
Table 21.4.5 How many minutes in the past week have you spent using each of the following applications? Claude Broken out by public or private college
Table 22 Do you personally or through your university have a paid subscription to any of the following?
Table 22.1.1 Do you personally or through your university have a paid subscription to any of the following? ChatGPT
Table 22.1.2 Do you personally or through your university have a paid subscription to any of the following? ChatGPT Broken out by enrollment
Table 22.1.3 Do you personally or through your university have a paid subscription to any of the following? ChatGPT Broken out by tuition
Table 22.1.4 Do you personally or through your university have a paid subscription to any of the following? ChatGPT Broken out by type of college or Carnegie Class
Table 22.1.5 Do you personally or through your university have a paid subscription to any of the following? ChatGPT Broken out by public or private college
Table 22.2.1 Do you personally or through your university have a paid subscription to any of the following? Gemini
Table 22.2.2 Do you personally or through your university have a paid subscription to any of the following? Gemini Broken out by enrollment
Table 22.2.3 Do you personally or through your university have a paid subscription to any of the following? Gemini Broken out by tuition
Table 22.2.4 Do you personally or through your university have a paid subscription to any of the following? Gemini Broken out by type of college or Carnegie Class
Table 22.2.5 Do you personally or through your university have a paid subscription to any of the following? Gemini Broken out by public or private college
Table 22.3.1 Do you personally or through your university have a paid subscription to any of the following? Claude
Table 22.3.2 Do you personally or through your university have a paid subscription to any of the following? Claude Broken out by enrollment
Table 22.3.3 Do you personally or through your university have a paid subscription to any of the following? Claude Broken out by tuition
Table 22.3.4 Do you personally or through your university have a paid subscription to any of the following? Claude Broken out by type of college or Carnegie Class
Table 22.3.5 Do you personally or through your university have a paid subscription to any of the following? Claude Broken out by public or private college
Sources / Contributors
- University of South Florida
- Barry University
- Bellarmine University
- Central New Mexico Community College
- Community College of Philadelphia
- Davis Technical College
- East Central College
- ECPI University
- Gavilan College
- George Brown College
- Georgia Institute of Technology
- Goodwin University
- Harford Community College
- Indiana University
- Ivy Tech Community College
- James Madison University
- Joyce University of Nursing and Health Sciences
- Keck Graduate Institute
- McGill University
- Meredith College
- New England College
- North Dakota State University
- Northeastern Oklahoma A&M College
- Oregon State University - Housing & Dining Services
- Pace University
- Polk State College
- Prince George's Community College
- Pueblo Community College
- Red River College Polytechnic
- Simon Fraser University
- Southeast Community College
- SUNY Maritime College
- Texas Southern University
- The University of Findlay
- Touro
- United States Military Academy
- United Theological Seminary of the Twin Cities
- University of Arizona
- University of California, Merced
- University of Colorado Boulder
- University of Illinois Springfield
- University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
- University of Minnesota, Twin Cities
- University of Northern Colorado
- University of South Dakota
- University of the
- University of Toledo
- USU Ephraim Southwest
- Utah State University
- Vancouver Community College
- Washington & Jefferson College
- Wayne State College
- West Coast University
- West Virginia University
- Wright State University College of Science & Mathematics
- Yeshiva University